Busy nights and slow days

Summertime can be quite chaotic on the schedule, as there are so many things to do and people to see. Whereas in the winter things are slower (with the exception of the holidays) and more relaxed. However, my days at work are the exact opposite. Its quite frustrating. While I have practically nothing to do at work in the summer, I have a million things to do after work. I mostly sit and think of all the things I could be doing if I were at home. In the winter, it is suddenly crazy at work, then I have tons of free time afterwards. I guess it’s just natures way of leveling things out. It’s just taxing on the mind. At least I have blogs and IM to keep me busy. Oh and thank God for email. What a wonderful way to pass the hours….

So go ahead. Email me. Give me something to help pass the time. Please…

I, um, well, yeah, and uhh….

So why is it that you always thing of a gazillion (yes, a gazillion) witty come backs as soon as the person walks away? I swear sometimes I just get so irritated when people confront me that I just freeze and politely say, “Uh, ok.” and they come out looking like the superior person. Then I reel for like an hour about all the things I should have said. Too bad all confrontations can’t take place on the phone. I rock at standing up for myself when I’m on the phone. If only there were a way to have all people complaining about me just call me on the phone….

My husband: Smartest Man in the World

In my daily life there are several things that I consult my husband about. He is very patient and helpful and more often than not has the perfect solution. Today I was pestering him about hotsynching a Palm. His reply was classic and blog-worthy. I will share:

“I know that it is very tricky business. If it works, all in the world is right. And if it doesnt…drink early :)”

Its my new motto in life.

Ass out of you and me

I hate it when people assume things. Why, oh why, would you want to go and do something silly like that? Don’t people remember that silly little song about assuming? “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me” Ya know, cause its ass-u-me? Brother, people get a clue.