Here I am!

Oh my goodness. How did it get to be November 9th already? Where did all the time go? I mean I know we had Halloween already and now its like everyone is skipping over Thanksgiving and going right to Christmas. At work we are even signing up for the Christmas party and everything (the date was picked ages ago, so don’t worry about that). But I am just in total shock how fast this year is going. I even catch myself from time to time almost writing the date as 2003! And here it is practically 2005!

Anyway, enough of my ranting. I apologize for not posting but I have been very busy these last few days. I picked Simeon up at the airport Friday night and we had some quality couch time to catch up on. Over the weekend we watched some of the shows I recorded for him while he was at his conference, viewed our latest DVD addition, and played the newly released Spyro video game. It was wonderful. Then we started back to work on Monday and fully planned to go to the gym after work, since my foot is (finally!) healed. But we were both so very tired yesterday we grabbed take-out and went to bed super early (Sim was snoring by 8:30pm and I followed awhile later). Tonight, however, I do plan to get my butt to the gym.

I guess we’ll see how that goes…

Movie review: Saw

Since a few of you asked me to let you know how the movie was, I thought I’d do my own little movie review. But I have to warn you, I love movies. It takes a pretty horrible movie for me to not like it. That said, here it is:

I have to admit, I went into the movie yesterday expecting the worst. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I tend to lean toward the psychological thrillers, as opposed to cheesy gore/slasher flicks, when it comes to scary movies, and this one delivered. Without giving anything away in case you decide to watch it, it was well thought out and ended with a very unexpected twist. It wasn’t the make-you-jump kind of scary, but more like some-twisted person-actually-thought-of-this scary. Overall, I thought it was entertaining and worth the money (a matinee is six freaking bucks these days!) to see. Plus, I had to go home to an empty house (except my fur-babies) and I wasn’t the least bit scared. Oh and thanks for not calling me in the middle of the night to scary me, Lisa P!!

All by myself!!

The lyrics to “All By Myself” have been playing in my head all day today, because that’s me for the next week. All by myself. (And for those of you who are wondering, it’s in a “Celine Dion” way and not in a “Green Day” way. Perv.) Simeon is in New Orleans til Friday night. He left rain and gloom early Sunday morning and headed for humid and heat. Silly man. He knows we don’t do well in humidity thats why we live in Oregon! You can read all about his adventures while he is away over on his blog. In the mean time, I’m going out with the ladies tonight. We are going to see Saw and then hit Olive Garden for dinner. Gonna get me some Ravioli di Portobello. Yum!

Bad Hu-mommy!

In the middle of the night, I often get thirsty, so I keep a glass of water beside my bed (I even have a bendy-straw in the cup so I can drink without having to lift my head…but that’s another story). Well last night (or early this morning, I’m not sure of the time only that it was still dark outside) I reached for the glass but instead of grabbing the glass, I knocked it over….right onto my sleeping dog. Poor Ellie! She jumped up and ran to the foot of the bed. I got out of bed and tried to console her, apologizing for dumping water all over her. I turned her bed over, so the wet side was down and tried to coax her back to her bed. She refused and snuck around to Sim’s side of the bed. I felt so bad.

But she must have forgiven me at some point in the night, because when I woke up this morning, she was back to sleeping on her bed again. Poor lil’ thing.


Ok gang. I’m heading outta town. I’ll have some drunken (slightly censored, I’m sure!) stories to report back after my weekend with the girls. Oh and photos! Can’t forget the photos! 🙂

Oh no. I just had a thought. What am I gonna do all weekend with no blogs to read? NO BLOGS!! Not even Internet!! Oh boy. I guess I am just gonna have to start drinking sooner than I thought.

It must be said.

I don’t really know how to say this, as I hate the “F-word” but my test did not go as, shall we say, planned. I have been having quite the time coming to terms with this situation. I go from anger, to uncontrollable tears, to humiliation, to simply “meh.” I am definately better when I am not telling someone what happened. I do not deal well with disappointment. I have made the required calls. Put the word out. Now I am just hoping I can make it through Monday (I did ask my boss if there was a way I could work from home. He laughed. Did he not know I was serious?). I am not sure what went wrong, but I am going to do whatever I can to correct it. At least the study material I used was guaranteed, so they have to pay for the next test. But oh God did I want to be done with this crap already. Oh well. I am getting up, moving on, and damn it I am going to have a fun weekend. (I hope.)

Random thoughts

I was just thinking, you know how you sometimes open a door and there is someone on the other side and it totally startles you. Or you round a corner and run into someone and jump or, more embarrassingly, scream. Why does it totally scare me some times but other times I just smile and keep walking? What is the deal with that?

Oh, and I wanted to throw in that it’s guest blog day over at Rachael’s, so go check her out!

Dream Analysis

Last night I had the oddest dream. I am not quite sure what I was thinking about before falling asleep but I am fairly certain it had to do with last weeks Nip/Tuck stigmata reference and the fact that I had a bit of a stomach ache. I will allow you to form the opinion on your own, however. Here it is:

I was rubbing lotion on my arms, as I do everyday (morning with lovely scents, evening with moisturizer) and I noticed the lotion wasn’t absorbing in certain spots. In more or less a pattern. As I continued to rub the lotion in, I realized there were numbers “etched” into my arms. If I remember accurately, the numbers were 5, 3, 5, and 4, ascending up my arm. As I went to show a friend, to ensure I wasn’t crazy, the numbers started to bleed. And didn’t stop. So I had numbers bleeding out of both of my arms. My friend insisted I go to the hospital, and when we arrived there I started vomiting large amounts of blood into a near by sink. Several doctors came to evaluate me, but I awoke before any conclusions were deducted. Odd.

At the recommendation of one of my friends, I googled my dream to see what it meant. According to Dream Moods, “To see your arms as the emphasis in your dream, indicates your nurturance side and your ability to reach out and care for people. Alternatively, it may represent the struggles and challenges in your life. Consider the pun “arm yourself” which implies that you need to protect yourself, be more aggressive and take a firmer stance on things. To dream that your arm has been injured, signifies your inability to care for yourself or your helplessness in reaching out to others. You may have been feeling limited and restricted in terms of your freedom or activities. To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you.”

Just some food for thought on a dreary Wednesday morning. Hope you all had better dreams that I did.


I am feeling very meh today. Yeah, that’s right. Meh. I’m not sure what the deal is. I could not get myself out of bed this morning and I probably should have seen that as a sign. I have just been tired all day. I cannot get myself motivated to do anything. I even tried some good ol’ fashioned retail therapy, but that was even a no go. Can you imagine? Retail therapy failed me. So where do I go from here?

Maybe I should just go back to bed.