Let the Countdown Begin!

Well ladies and gentlemen (do I have any male readers? If so, you need to comment more, cause I am not so sure….) the weekend is practically here (3 hours and counting for me) and you all know what that means! Besides getting to sleep in, wearing pajama pants all day, and not getting off the couch unless I feel the need, it is also my birthday weekend. Yeah that’s right. I am claiming the WHOLE weekend.

I think Simeon and I are going out to dinner tonight and possibly a movie if I can convince him to tear himself way from his computer for that long. (He has been really busy with work lately and my job has been to distract him from it as much as possible. We are trying to make a baby, remember?) I want to see Must Love Dogs. I am a total sucker for a romantic comedy and let’s face it, John Cusack is just adorable.

Then tomorrow we can enjoy a relaxing morning (I do not plan to be out of bed until at least 9am, thankyouverymuch) and get ready for a retirement party for one of my old co-workers in the evening. It should be a pretty good party with lots of family and friends to celebrate. Oh and you cannot forget about the food. We totally know how to do the food up right!

Sunday is my actual birthday and we are meeting my boss at the Reserve (his golf course’s country club) for lunch. Then I plan to wind down and completely enjoy a day that is ALL ABOUT ME.

I have already started getting showered with gift, which I can’t say I mind at all (that would be the Leo in me!). My lovely husband gave me my new floors. A few weeks back my mom bought me a silver necklace and a couple pairs of coordinating earrings (she was worried she would miss me on the actual day and wanted to make sure I got my gift, how cute is she?). Oh and I have even indulged myself in a little online gift buying at LL Bean, cause anyone who knows me knows I cannot pass up sweaters!

Well, I plan to fill you all in on what actually happens later. And you never know, there may even be pictures! Until then, have a great weekend everyone! Think of me!


I have a confession to make.

I am addicted to
The Surreal Life on VH1. At first I was quietly sneaking peaks late at night when I was trying to fall asleep and there was nothing else on. But then last week we got a second TiVo box (I totally needed one in my bedroom. Once you go TiVo, you never go back.) for upstairs. So then I was able to have it record shows when the main TiVo was recording (digitally recording TWO shows at once has got to be the highlight of this decade). I was finally able to succum to the evil that is washed-up celebrities living together. So I did it. I ordered a Season Pass of The Surreal Life. And I don’t regret it.

Last night I came home from work with a killer headache, slammed my dinner and spent the rest of the night in my dark bedroom, cuddling with Frodo. Oh yeah and watching six episodes of The Surreal Life in a row (you can watch way more when you can fast-forward through the commercials–it’s fabulous).

All I can say is that I think that Christopher Knight (Peter, from the Brady Bunch) and Adrienne Curry (the first winner of America’s Next Top Model) totally need to HOOK UP ALREADY. Oh and Vern Troyer (Mini Me) has the biggest chip on his shoulder and deals with it by being a complete ass. Yes, you are tiny, get over it already.

So there, I said it. I love The Surreal Life. I mean, what else was I suppose to do since they cancelled Newlyweds?

I love lists!

I found this over at Mikey’s and thought it was pretty interesting. You all know I have a thing for lists. So anyway, the things that are bolded are things I’ve done. Any commentary is in italics. Any questions? Add a comment.

1. Bought everyone in the pub a drink
2. Swam with wild dolphins
3. Climbed a mountain
4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
5. Been inside the Great Pyramid
6. Held a tarantula
7. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
8. Said “I love you” and meant it
9. Hugged a tree
10. Done a striptease


The Rules of My Neurosis (aka: the reason why you all love me):

I have touched on a few of these in some of my entries, as well as my 100 things list, but I thought, just for fun, that I would list some of the ones you may not already know.

  • I have a thing with labels. In cupboards, on shelves, in closets, etc. all labels must be facing out. This makes things easy to identify, plus it’s just neater. If that is not possible (for example cereal boxes the “spine” faces out) the side with the nutritional label must never be seen.
  • Everything has an order: Books must all be stacked in descending order, tallest on the left.
  • All cds and movies are stored alphabetically.
  • Clothes are hung in the closet (all facing the same direction) organized by type (tank tops, short sleeve, long sleeve, long sleeve w/collar, jackets, skirts, pants) and then by color (ROYGBP). An organized wardrobe is a happy wardrobe.
  • Coasters are to be parallel to the tables edge. There is no need for things to be disheveled.
  • Magazines are to be stacked. There will be no fanning allowed.
  • Towels will be hung on the towel rack so that all hems are in a line. And why wouldn’t they be?
  • I make a list for everything: grocery list, to-do’s, wish list, guest list, home improvements, etc. You see the trend? Write it down. (You think this fuels my love for Post-its?)
  • Everything in my fridge or freezer that is unidentifiable it labeled–name and date, thankyouverymuch. Hence the love for Sharpies.
  • There is a place for everything. I will know if it has been moved. And if you don’t know where it goes, please just hand it to me.
  • There is a difference between kitchen towels and bathroom towels. Recognize.
  • It is completely and totally necessary to fold underwear. And yes, there is a right way to do it.

And that is just what I can think of off the cuff!

(You all respect my husband just a little bit more now dontcha?)

To Do

To Do Before I Die:
(This is an ever evolving list… Check back to see what I have completed!)

  1. Graduate from college
  2. See the Aurora Borealis
  3. Go white water rafting
  4. Get Married
  5. Visit all 50 states
  6. See the Grand Canyon
  7. Visit Mexico
  8. See the sun rise over the ocean
  9. Visit the Empire State Building
  10. Visit the rainforests
  11. Buy a house
  12. Ride a gondola down the canals in Venice
  13. See France from the Eiffel Tower
  14. Eat authentic Italian food
  15. Go on a cruise
  16. See the Volkswagen factory in Germany
  17. Celebrate Mardi Gras
  18. Obedience train my dogs
  19. Have a baby
  20. See a full solar eclipse
  21. Witness a tornado
  22. Learn to sew (more than just buttons and socks)
  23. Find a recipe for fabulous Tiramisu
  24. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

100 Things

100 Things About Me:

  1. I am pretty tall for a girl: 5’8″.
  2. I used to be really tall, but everyone else caught up.
  3. I am a Leo.
  4. I was born in the year of the monkey.
  5. The night before I was born my mother had a dream that she gave birth to a monkey.
  6. I am, however, NOT a monkey.
  7. Although, I used to love climbing trees.
  8. I was quite a tomboy.
  9. I love animals: I have two dogs (black labs), two cats, and two beta fish.
  10. I have a “thing” with even numbers (see #9).