Back to the grind

Ok so we survived our vacation. Barely. I am so sore from walking around the entire East Coast (or so it felt like) that even typing this entry hurts me. That and my body is still on Eastern Time and I feel like I just need to sleep for a few days to recover. Why is it that we have to come back to work to recover from vacation? I think I must be doing something wrong here.

So I promise that I have tons of pictures and stories to share, but I need to collect my thoughts (and some sleep) before I can get them up here for ya all. Check back soon!

Vacation time

I get to go on vacation! I am so excited! Aside from camping trips, Sim and I haven’t been on a real vacation since our honeymoon. (Granted, that was a little less than two years ago, but still. Come on people!)

So we fly out of Portland on Friday morning and arrive in Washington DC. Sim has a conference there on Saturday and Sunday; so we are just gonna hang out for a few days. I will be lounging by the pool and checking out the shopping while he is geeking it up. Then we will check out the monuments, the White House, etc.

Next stop is Atlantic City, where we will stop for a day and check out the ocean on the other side of the US (Hey Jeff, maybe now I can see the sun rise over the ocean!). Maybe play on the boardwalk and check out the casinos! Watch out Donald Trump, here we come!

Our final stop is New York City! I have waited my whole life (all 23 years of it!) to visit NYC. I am so excited. We are going to go up in the Empire State building, check out central park, and maybe I’ll even let Sim check out FAO Schwarz! Then on Wednesday afternoon we fly out of Newark and head back home. Should be exciting and lots of things to share with you when we return!

Eeek! I am so excited!

A Word of Advice

So if you are ever getting your hair cut and after 25 minutes of clipping and snipping and trimming the stylist asks you, “So what do you think?” And you are honestly thinking, “I can’t see any difference.” Never, and I mean never, say that out loud. Because you could end up with bangs.

That’s right. BANGS.

Add that to my list

Ok, so the Balloon Festival was awesome. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) cancelled the flights again today due to strong North winds, which would have put the balloons landing right in downtown Portland. While this may have been entertaining for those in the Gay Pride Parade, we opted to avoid any hazardous flying. But since it was Saturday and a large crowd had gathered, the FAA decided to have a little competition. They created a giant target (a 30 foot X) on the ground and wanted to see which of the balloon crews could drop a beanbag closest to the center. Since the strong North winds weren’t until you got pretty high in the air, they asked everyone to keep it at about 50 feet off the ground.

At first we were a little devastated that we wouldn’t be able to do a full launch, but we would still get to participate in the raising and lowering of the balloon. It was amazing! There are so many things going on at once I was trying to asborb it all in. Since there were about 25 balloons in the competition, they had to assign an order. Since the crew we were on was set to go last, we helped a team next to us. So I got to work on two different aspects of the launch with each balloon. With the first balloon, I got to help with with the balloon’s (they refer to it as an “envelope” just an FYI) top section. Lots of straightening and fastening of Velcro. But the second balloon (our actual crew) I was working at the basket end. I held open one side of the balloon while Simeon operated a huge fan that blew air into the balloon itself.

While it was slowly inflating, our captain walks over to me and whispers, “So you wanna fly today?” I was so excited just to be working first hand on the balloons it hadn’t even occurred to me that I would ever get in one! I figured this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I decided to overcome my fear of heights and excitedly shook my head yes. (Besides, knowing that we weren’t allowed to go over 50 feet greatly reduced my fears.)

The flight itself was actual quite simple, as we weren’t going very far. I managed to keep my fear of heights in check and was amazed at the grace and ease of the balloon ride. It was so much fun. I was incredibly grateful for the opportunity. Then after we landed (Oh and our team won the bean bag competition, so neener-neener!) and packed everything up, our pilot informed me that we needed to complete the experience with the customary First Flight Champagne Ceremony.

We conducted “the ceremony” over in the RV area. I was handed a paper cup of champagne and instructed to get on my knees and set the cup in front of me. As I kneeled down, our pilot started by explaining the history of hot air balloooning (which is a very entertaining story by the way, ask me sometime, or this site site summarizes the whole thing pretty well). The he tells me that I can drink my champagne, but I am not allowed to use my hands: just bite the cup with my head and trip my head back–and don’t spill anything! So I am carefully trying to drink my champagne when they pour the bottle over my head. Yes, thats right. I am now covered in champagne. Not to mention that its only 8:30 in the morning and we have all just started drinking. But ohmigod what an experience!! All I can do is quote my pilot and say “Been there, done that, burned the t-shirt!”

So check back to my To Do List, because today I was able to add something to it and cross it off as well! Yeah for me! 🙂

Hot Air Balloons

A friend of mine at work invited me to come and volunteer with her at the Tigard Hot Air Balloon Festival. Hot air balloons intrigue me, so I said I would love the chance to actually work on the crews in charge of launching the balloons (the fact that I had to get up at 4 am to do it, however not so fun).

So this morning I crawled out of bed at 4am to meet her at our office by 5am. We arrived at the gates for the festival and found our way over to the crew we were assigned to help. While it was a lovely sunny day (it was 70 degrees outside by 8am!), the winds decided to pick up. Unfortunately, 30 MPH winds are not the optimal condition to launch balloons, so we had to forgo the launch today. Instead we all grabbed some bagels or donuts and juice and sat around chatting with the pilot about his experiences with hot air balloons. It was very interesting and I am looking forward to tomorrow (I volunteered Sim and I to help on Saturday morning). Pray for light winds!!

The Brutal Truth

So I was listening to the radio on the way home from work and they were talking about these honest personal ads. I was thinking that was a contradiction of terms! A total oxymoron! So in an attempt to avoid cleaning my house when I got home, I jumped on line to check it out. It is hilarious! You have got to go and browse through the personals.

Scary thing is, I think its great. If I were dating, I would much rather have all that stuff out in the open from the start. That way no one is wasting their time. So for all you singles out there, here is a new fad in the dating realm: honesty! Go figure.

Happy Administrative Assistant Day to Me!

So today is Administrative Assistant Day, and since I am lumped into that category I get to celebrate! Our office actually put together a nice spread. Elephant’s Deli provided a fabulous luncheon, there was tons of cake, and my super wonderful boss bought me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. It smells so good at my desk today! I keep catching myself closing my eyes and breathing in the smell of all these fragrant flowers. (I am really bad at flowers, but I can safely say there are some stargazer lilies, sweet peas, tulips, heather, carnations and a few other things that are very pretty.)

Happy Administrative Assistant Day to the rest of you too!


So, being the impulse buyers that we are, Simeon and I recently purchased a box of the new Nestle® Butterfinger® hot cocoa mix. I am telling you, this is some seriously good stuff. If at all possible, the smell is even better than the taste. It’s so warm and comforting. The only other time I have encountered a smell like this was when Chloe and I were microwaving candy bars in diapers for Heather’s baby shower (but that is a story for another time…).

Warm beverages are critical at my office, that and dressing in layers, because they haven’t turned the air conditioning off since last summer for fear that is may never come back on again. That sounds kind of ridiculous, but it actually happened the first summer I worked here. It was 90 degrees in the office for like a week.

So here I sit, fighting off the shivers with a steaming mug of Butterfinger® Cocoa, enjoying the fact that it is finally Friday! Wahoo!