The Best Big Sister

Ana is an amazing big sister. Not that I ever doubted she would be, but that doesn’t change the fact that she continues to blow me away each and every day. She loves her little sister like you would not believe. She is always willing to help out any way she can. Ana loves picking out Hadley’s clothes each morning or keeping her happy in her crib until someone can pick her up. But more than the tasks I ask her to do (which she does without ever complaining), are the things she does all on her own.

Playing with her sister

The other day I was holding Hadley and she started making her hungry cry. I asked if anyone had seen the Boppy pillow and Ana happily volunteered to go get it for me so I could feed her sister. When she walked back into the room she said, “I grabbed the swaddle blanket too just in case Hadley gets tired and wants to go to sleep.”

Two Smiling Sisters

Then last night I was feeding Hadley at the kitchen table (yes, I can nurse and eat at the dinner table at the same time) when Hadley started throwing up. I tried to contain as much of the vomit as I could with my own body and clothes. Once Hadley stopped puking, Sim scooped her up and took her over to the kitchen sink to start rinsing her off. Ana vanished and I assumed it was just to get away from all the puke when all of a sudden she returned to the room with a baby wipe in her hands and said, “Don’t worry guys, I got this!” and she started cleaning up the few drips of puke on the floor.


I don’t know what I did to get so lucky with my amazing daughters, but I’m not going to question it. I am just going to enjoy every minute I can with my precious babies.

Hadley and Ana

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