Fun in the Snow

Sim and Ana are obsessed with snow. Obsessed. Since the first flake of the season fell, they have been talking about going to the mountain. Well last weekend they finally seized the day and drove up to Mt. Hood. They did some tubing at Ski Bowl and some sledding at Trillium Lake (while Hadley and I stayed in town and went to see the new Harry Potter movie). That very evening Ana asked her dad, “Was that the only time we get to do that? Or can we go back to the mountain again?” When Sim said they could, Ana promptly followed up with, “So it’s five days til it’s weekend again, right?”

Since Ana proved she could handle a day in the snow, Sim decided to try and add to her winter recreation repertoire. Ultimately he would like Ana to be his snowboarding buddy, but since she is still a little young for shredding (ski lessons start at 4, while snow boarding lessons aren’t until 7) he wanted to get her up on the skis. We borrowed a pair of beginner skis from our friends (thanks, Cyndie!) and let Ana try them out on the carpet. She had a lot of fun “skiing” around our living room.

Ana’s only complaint about their last snow trip was that Hadley and I weren’t there to enjoy it with them. So this time we all went as a family. (Hadley and I watched them play from the comfort of the warm car, while listening to an audio book.) When we got to the mountain, Sim and I decided it would be best for Ana to start with skiing since it would take more energy and patience. Sim strapped on her skis and let Ana get a feel for them in the snow.

Next they added the poles…

And she was off…

And then she was down.

She did several quick runs, but having more of a “need for speed” Ana decided she wanted to take a break from skiing and hopped on our new sled.

Then she gave our old disc sled a few tries.

Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Sim hopped on the large sled with Ana.

A day in the snow just isn’t complete without a little wrestling!

As our day of winter fun was coming to a close, we bundled up Hadley and brought her out to get a couple family shots out in the snow.

You can see all the pictures from our day at the mountain here.

2 thoughts on “Fun in the Snow

  1. i love it! it looks like everyone had a super time! it is so smart to start ana young at skiing (even if to even up snow boarding LOL). i did not start skiing until i was an adult and it is so much scarier! i think as a kids we are not as fearful. pretty soon she will be fulfilling her need for speed on the skis 😀

  2. That’s totally awsume!!! I’m thrilled to have more family members to ski with. I’ll be thrilled to take her up with me, when I’m cleared to go back on the slopes again…of course we will only be on the bunny hills 🙂 Love Mom/Nana

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