Adjusting To Two

People keep asking me how we are doing now that we have two children. And I have to admit, we are doing great. Having TWO beautiful little girls? It’s pretty awesome. There were those people who gave me encouraging smiles while I was pregnant and said things like, “just wait until you have more than one” or “enjoy it. Because you won’t be able to do that once you have the baby.” But adding Little Miss Hadley to our family hasn’t slowed us down one bit. It’s not like having a baby somehow magically stops me from having an (almost) four year old. I still have to get Ana to ballet, tap, preschool, and play group. Now I just have to bring along the infant car seat (complete with said infant, of course) and a fully stocked diaper bag. I will admit, however, the diaper bag has taken some getting use to.

Not that my child is perfect (unlike Ana, this one actual spits up. Eww!) or sleeps through the night (like all new parents, I’m up every 3-4 hours. On. The. Dot.). It’s just that this time around I knew what to expect. And I was ready for it. BRING IT. Babies are cute, tiny, and highly portable. I may be singing a different tune when she starts rolling, crawling, and, God help me, walking. But I will have to deal with those obstacles as they come. And I will. And I will do it with a smile. Because that’s what moms do.

I’m not saying I don’t have any help either. Believe me, I do. I have an amazing husband and an incredible daughter who help me out whenever and however they can. As you guys know, Sim works from home so he is generally around to lend an extra hand. Like say, when Hadley blows out her diaper so ferociously that it leaks up the front AND the back of the onesie and the only way you can remove it without covering your daughters head in poop is with another person helping you out. He is also great at holding Hadley in the Baby Bjorn while he works away at his desk so I can get a shower.

Ana has been amazing as well. Everyone keeps asking her how she likes being a big sister and she often corrects them, saying, “I’m a big sister AND I’m a helper.” She likes helping with diaper changes (handing me wipes and putting the dirty diapers in the Diaper Champ), picking out what Hadley will wear each day, and she is the best at retrieving things I need while I’m nursing, like my water bottle, Chapstick, or the TiVo remote. She loves checking on her sister and covers her in kisses every chance she gets.

All in all, everyone is doing great. We have made the adjustment to life with a baby and it could not be going better. In fact, I feel guilty asking for anything for Christmas this year because I already feel like I have everything I could ever ask for and more. So much more.

2 thoughts on “Adjusting To Two

  1. That is so awesome! Reading your posts always brings a smile to my face, I truly adore you. Congrats on doing so well with 2, you are a wonderful Mommy. Love & Hugs, and Happy Holidays!

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