Things that are making me smile today:

1. This fabulous fall day. The air is crisp, the leaves are falling, and the sun is shining. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

2. They are actually moving back. For real. No joke. I am SO freakin’ excited!

3. The deck was a little icy today and my dogs ran out the doggy door and instantly looked like little drunken ice skaters. Very cute. (And no one was hurt, which is even better.)

4. It’s Wednesday, which means we are halfway through this week. It also means my friends are coming over tonight. I’m making calzones if anyone is interested.

5. Simeon and I are taking a little mini vacation next week to San Francisco. Leaving Monday, coming back Thursday. I think getting out of town for a few days is just what the doctor ordered.

6. Our friends Megan and Jason are getting married on Saturday and I am so excited for them to start their life together. That and I am really excited that we are gonna have more married couples in our group. Being married rocks, didn’t you all know that?!

7. Another one of our couple friends recently told us they are gonna have a baby (not sure if they want the whole world to know, or I would mention names)! And while I am insanely jealous, I am also very, VERY happy for them. I cannot wait until we ALL have babies! Yeah for babies!

Hmmmm….is there anything else I am forgetting? Probably. But I don’t want to scare the five of you that are actually reading this off with all the happiness. It’s just so unlike me to not be complaining. But don’t worry, I am sure it will pass….

5 thoughts on “Things that are making me smile today:

  1. Being Married is the best, this weather is the BEST, and YEAH they’re moving back!!!! So is being pregnant! (ok, going to bed at 7:00 isn’t the best) However, reading last night that my baby now has arms and legs -now that’s the BEST!

  2. Isn’t the weather great? Today was the first day it really felt like fall in Lancaster County. But I can’t believe it’s actually ICY where you are!

  3. LOL The five of us?? Gotta be more readers than posters.
    And hell’s bells, Woman!!! I was in Portland today at lunchtime. Alas, no calzones for me. Enjoy!

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