9 Month Doctors Appointment

Hadley had her nine-month doctors appointment a couple days ago. Here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 28″ (70th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz (75th percentile)
Head: 45 cm (75th percentile)

Hadley’s growth pattern has slowed overall. The doctor even said, “So you aren’t going to have a giant afterall!” She’s still growing well but is no longer in the 97th percentile which is just fine with me. The rest of the appointment went fine as well. She had an anemia test (not anemic!) and a flu shot. She didn’t even cry for either poke! She looked at us, furrowed her brow, and got red in the face, but then realized she was fine and went right back to trying to eat the paper covering the table. The doctor gave us a list of finger foods which I was happy to accept since Hadley is definitely slowing her interest in purees and would rather eat what we are eating. He checked her gums since we still have no teeth and said it might be another month or even TWO before we see anything. While this makes eating a little tricky for her, I am happy to postpone the biting, sleeplessness, and overall misery that comes with new teeth. Oh yeah, while we were chatting with the doctor Hadley was clapping practically the whole time and he even commented that she was quite proud of her newest skill. It was really cute. But that’s about it to report. Our next appointment is for her one year check. I cannot believe how quickly that will be there! Until then…

One thought on “9 Month Doctors Appointment

  1. Nice job Hadley! You are lucky that there are no chompers. I love that she was clapping for the doctor. Donnalisa nuzzled into him at one of her appointments and I about died it was so cute! She is also a fan of the paper on the table 😉

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