All Out of Space

Whew. There has been so much going on, so much to share, but I just have not has a spare minute. My daughter is now into everything with such enthusiasm I can’t leave her alone for a single minute or she will disassemble the entire house. Just because she can. I can seriously spend an entire day following her around closing cabinets, putting things back into drawers, and sticking magnets back on the refrigerator. On the rare occasion when she takes a nap long enough that I can shower and eat a meal sitting down, I grab the computer to start writing but quickly have to stop because the story I want to tell has some fabulous pictures that accompany it and unfortunately I am not currently able to put up any new pictures. No, not because my site is broken or my photo gallery is having issues, but because I have simply taken too many pictures.

In the three years I have had my Nikon D70 I have taken well over 18,000 pictures. Yes, you read that correctly. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND. And now my poor computer simply refuses to accept another image. I have a memory card in my camera full of images of our trip to Bend, playing in the pool, Ana’s first Thanksgiving (which we hosted!), getting Ana’s ears pierced (she only cried for a second…then we gave her a lollipop), and my first attempt to put tiny pigtails in her hair (so adorable!) but I have to wait until Simeon does some creative organizing to make room or our computer will quite literally explode into a million pieces.

So we are all here. Alive and well. Keeping busy with planning Miss Ana’s first birthday celebration while simultaneously trying to teach her not to go down the stairs face first. Why she understands that she needs to slide down from our bed on her stomach but not on the stairs is beyond me…

One thought on “All Out of Space

  1. I dearly love to spend a lunch break in the office on a cold dreary day and get to see current pic’s and comments on my youngest grandchild. It was so much fun helping decorate her cake and seeing Ana enjoy her 1st birthday. Love, Mom/Grandma

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