Avoiding the Internet

As the seventh and final Harry Potter release date quickly approaches, die hard fans such as myself have to do all they can to prevent the last book in the series from being ruined. Leaks and spoilers run rampant on the Internet, the news, and just about any media you come across. Wanting to actually enjoy the story the way J.K. Rowling intended, I plan to attend my local Barnes & Noble Midnight Magic party with my girlfriends then quickly haul ass home, lock myself in my house, and read the book cover to cover before anyone can ruin the story. So my isolation starts now. I am avoiding the Internet. I am ignoring the news. And I am using my husband as my own personal shield from the outside world. So things will be a little quiet over here for a bit as I do all I can to preserve the literal and figurative magic of the final book. I’ll be back, eyes glossed over I am sure, once I have finished my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Anyone leaving comments with spoilers will have their IP banned quicker than I can say “Azkaban!”

5 thoughts on “Avoiding the Internet

  1. I am with you, Carrie! Why can’t they just be quiet and let us enjoy the book??

    That being said… I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts. After we have both finished reading it!

  2. I had been thinking of you and my many Harry Potter loony friends when I all the talk of leaks starting to circulate yesterday. Ah well, not too long to hide out. As for me, I’ll read the book also as nature intended, in the week after it’s released after my slightly more enthusiastic friends have locked themselves away for the weekend to read, and have then passed their copies on to the rest of us…

  3. Ha ha ha, I am so with you! I was telling this to Barney and my sister the other day and they just didn’t understand! They asked me why I always rush home and stay up all night the evening I get the book, and I told them it’s because I want to read it and discover all of the tasty little secrets the way Rowling intended, with lead up and suspense, not some moron telling me bluntly on the news or something. Interesting little stat for you all, I heard that 2/5ths of all readers will automatically skip to the last few pages the moment they get the book, and in essence, spoil it for themselves….
    Crazy huh?

  4. that’s crazy heather! i most certainly do not skip ahead. i get sad when i accidentally skip two pages and see what will happen. but i am trying to avoid the internet too as well. only checking email because i think msn will remain spoiler free. can’t wait till tomorrow!

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