A Letter: Three Months

Dear Ana,
Oh my little monkey, can you believe we made it three whole months? Time sure does go by faster now that you are in my life. I love spending my days with you, watching you grow and develop new skills. If I were planning to go back to work, I would have to do that this month as most maternity leave only lasts for three months. I cannot even imagine leaving you with someone else at this point in your life. I am so thankful each and every day that I am able to stay home and raise you.

In the past couple weeks you have expanded your bag of baby tricks to include blowing bubbles. I love the way you purse your lips together to create the tiniest little bubbles. Sure, this now requires that I keep a cloth handy to wipe up the excess drool, but it is just too cute to discourage. That and I totally do it too and it’s good to know you got something from your mama.

You have also started making a wider variety of sounds. Your current favorite is what I can only explain as the sound someone makes when “rolling your r’s” in Spanish. You make the sound, pause to allow me to make it back and then smile and laugh like it is the funniest thing in the whole world. And I just can’t help but smile and laugh back with the same enthusiasm. See? You just make every little thing so much better.

Another silly thing you have really perfected this last week is your fake cough. I admit I must take the blame for this one. A couple weeks ago I had a cold and whenever I would cough it would scare you (sometimes so badly that you would instantly burst into tears) so I would try to show you that coughs were not scary by adding a little fake cough to the end and smiling at you. Apparently this made the cough not only non-threatening, but also highly entertaining.

Oh and have I mentioned how much you love your reflection? You just love making faces and staring at yourself in the mirror. We first noticed this with the mirror in the car that allows me to see you in my rear-view mirror. You would just stare and coo at yourself while we were driving. So we decided to put one in your crib as well and it has made you very happy. Hopefully we are not encouraging narcissism or vanity. Your father is already worried about focusing too much on looks and makes sure that each time he tells you that you are beautiful or adorable, he also compliments you on your intelligence or talents. He just wants you to know that we love you just the way you are. And, I have to say, I totally agree.

All my love,

5 thoughts on “A Letter: Three Months

  1. what amazing pics! she has such a wide range of facial expressions already! we will have to make a date soon to get together. i need to wait to get over the cold i have or i am sure she will burst into tears!!!

  2. Yeah depending on the light her hair is pretty red, just like mine when I was a baby…then mine all fell out and came in white/blond. So who knows what color she is in store for. Only time will tell. 🙂

  3. http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/80-s-halloween-costumes-706.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/alice-in-wonderland-halloween-costumes-707.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/ben-cooper-halloween-costumes-708.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/halloween-costumes-709.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/halloween-costumes-for-dogs-710.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/halloween-costumes-for-infants-711.html | http://discussions.csbsju.edu/influence/messages/1/halloween-costumes-for-kids-712.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/halloween-costumes-for-pregnant-women-1010.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/halloween-costumes-for-toddlers-1011.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/halloween-costumes-ideas-1012.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/harry-potter-halloween-costumes-1013.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/jessica-rabbit-halloween-costumes-1014.html | http://www.vetiver.org/discus/messages/45/ladybug-halloween-costumes-1016.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/mortal-kombat-halloween-costumes-7315.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/newborn-halloween-costumes-7316.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/peacock-halloween-costumes-7317.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/pet-halloween-costumes-7318.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/sesame-street-halloween-costumes-7319.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/tom-arma-halloween-costumes-7321.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/unique-couples-halloween-costumes-7322.html | http://www.sallee-chevrolet.com/Discus/messages/3418/werewolves-costumes-for-halloween-7323.html

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