It’s a Cruel, Cruel World

Last night Ana slept for the longest period ever: 7.5 hours. I put her down at 10pm and she didn’t make a peep until a little after 5:30am. It was amazing. The only thing that would have made it more amazing would have been if I actually got to enjoy it. While Little Miss was sleeping soundly in her crib, I was laying awake in bed with a migraine. I woke up around 2am to a blinding pain and nausea that threatened to empty the contents of my stomach. I managed to crawl out of bed to take some Tylenol. After a few hours, and little change in my symptoms, I woke up Simeon. He came over to my side of the bed and held my head while I tried to fall back asleep. The combination of the medication and the lovin’ made it possible for me to feed Ana when she finally woke up. Thank goodness she is a little angel and hardly fussed through the feeding.

I have been having some trouble sleeping lately, and it has nothing to do with Ana. After I put her to sleep, I often lay in bed for over an hour trying to fall asleep myself. Then I wake up before she does in anticipation of her waking up (well, my boobs do anyway). So I am sure today’s headache was just the lack of sleep catching up with me. Of course the cruelty of it all is that sleep is the one thing I needed, and the headache prevented me from sleeping. Lovely, I know. Thankfully my husband was able to stay home with me today to allow me to get some sleep and help out with Ana between feedings. I just hope the next time my little girl decides to sleep a marathon stretch I get to participate as well.

7 thoughts on “It’s a Cruel, Cruel World

  1. I am sorry honey, I heard McBride got to see you this last weeked. I would like a lunch date the first week of february. Olive Garden? Portabello Mushroom Ravioli? MMMMMMMMMMM p.s. Carol Herron quit today. Details to follow on our lunch date?!?!?

  2. Oh sweetie, that sucks. But YAY ANA for the good sleeping! I really hope you got to catch up on your sleep today and are feeling better. It’s no fun being sick when a little one is depending on you!

  3. Hope you feel better Carrie! I can’t wait to see Ana again soon – I’m getting over a cold too so when we are both better (and I don’t spread germs!) I would love to visit you guys!

  4. I am sorry you were sick, but I love getting to take care of you! You always take such good care of us, it was nice to have a chance. I am glad you are feeling better now.

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