2 Week Doctors Appt

Ana had her two-week doctors appointment today. I can’t believe it has already been two weeks! It seems like she has always been with us. Anyway, here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 21 1/2″ (90th percentile)
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz (70th percentile)
Head: 37 cm (50th percentile)

Ana had the routine PKU test, and the doctor told us she has a blocked tear duct (totally normal for infants, we just need to wipe it clean every once in awhile). Oh and a little dry skin from the combination of dry winter air and running the natural gas to heat the house. Other than that, there is nothing else to report. We have a healthy, happy little girl.

3 thoughts on “2 Week Doctors Appt

  1. Yeah! The next thing you know she’ll be off to preschool! Haha! We are thinking about visiting you tomorrow afternoon (Christmas Eve) on our way to my mom and dad’s for church. Will you be home? We’ll give you a call!

  2. Oh my goodness! 2 weeks? I need to come see you guys before I pop. Now that Jacob appears to be over his illness it’s safe…but now Christmas is upon us…what up with that?
    She is quite the healthy little girl, that’s for sure! Congrats you two!

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