Early Nesting?

It appears as though I may have started my nesting phase over the weekend. Either that or I was just trying to find things to do once I boarded my husband on a plane to Kentucky where he will be for the next week. But considering how I normally fill my time when he is gone (running errands, shopping, or watching chick flicks) my vote is leaning towards nesting. You be the judge:

Once Simeon left for the airport, I watched TV in bed for a while then got up and took a shower. I started a load of laundry (FYI laundry is so much more fun with a nice, new washer and dryer!) and ate a bowl of cereal. All relatively normal behavior. Then I decided to gather up the garbage around the house to prepare for our garbage pick up the following day. Only when I walked into our bathroom, fully preparing to simply empty the trash into the large garbage bag I was carrying, I caught a glimpse of our medicine cabinet. I decided now was as good a time as any to toss out any expired items and tidy up a bit. I completely emptied the cabinet, tossed all the old items, dusted the shelves and put the few remaining things (I was really surprised how many things had expired. I don’t think I had ever cleaned our medicine cabinet since we bought our house in January of 2003) back in, organized according to use (first aid, cold/flu, dental hygiene, etc.) and then of course by height within the category.

Feeling quite happy with my completed task, and still armed with Pledge, Swiffers and Windex, I glanced around for another project. I spotted the nightstands in our bedroom and set to work. I cleared all the surfaces, cleaned and polished the furniture until I could practically see my reflection in the dark wood, and dusted each individual item before putting things back where they belonged. In the process I threw out a ton of stuff. This was particularly a task on my husband’s side of the bed, where he empties his pockets at the end of the day and grows quite the collection of completely random and useless junk (business cards, candy wrappers, movie stubs, etc). Happy with the absence of dust and lack of surface clutter, I considered the bedroom attacked and conquered.

At this point I was starting to get a little tired and decided to stop for a snack. I made myself a quick PB&J sandwich and sat down at the dining room table to enjoy my treat. While I was eating I glanced around the living room and noticed our DVDs in the entertainment center. Now I first have to explain that I am really particular about my movies and keep everything alphabetized at all times. Understanding this is a rather difficult concept for others to grasp (and more specifically, follow) I have a sort of “re-shelving” area (like they have at the library) of DVDs that have been recently purchased, watched, or returned from friends. Once I finished my snack, I took out all the DVDs, lined them up alphabetically, and integrated the other DVDs into the mix. Having emptied out the entertainment center almost entirely, I thought this was a perfect time to clean things up. I grabbed my Pledge, Swiffers and Windex and got rid of every speck of dust and every fingerprint I could find. Then I loaded everything back in, making sure all the spines lined up with not only each other, but the edge of the shelf. Anal? Yes. Very.

Then I decided I needed a fun project, so I set to decorating the house with all my fall and Halloween decorations. Dusting, tidying and fluffing pillows every step of the way. Finally I decided I was too tired to take on any more tasks for the day, so I grabbed some dinner and went downstairs to watch a movie. But I have my mind set on tackling the Tupperware cupboard later this week…then who knows where this frenzy will take me.

3 thoughts on “Early Nesting?

  1. Oh. My. God. Not even ONE WEEK AGO I did the EXACT SAME THING with our medicine cabinet. The shelves are slippery and things are always flying out of there, so after I had weeded through the expired junk, I cut and placed those rubbery mats on each of the shelves before returning all the contents (organized, as you did as well, by cold/flu, analgesics, dental care, vitamins, etc.). Now I open the cabinet just to marvel at the organization of it all.

    We are nesting twins!

  2. Ha ha. That sounds like me TODAY! We actually don’t have anything on the schedule, so I’ve been organizing and cleaning like a fiend! And I do the same thing you do…where I walk into a room intending to do one thing, but get completely sidetracked and clean something else, and then when I go back to the other room, I realize I never got to what I was going to do in the first place!
    Nesting, anal, OCD, call it what you will, but it feels damn good, doesn’t it? 😉

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