30 Week Belly

Firstly, I just wanted to thank all of your for your kind words over the last couple days. It means more to me than you know to have such a great support system, and you guys have never failed to come through for me when I need you.

Secondly, I am 30 weeks today. What I wanna know is HOW AM I 30 WEEKS ALREADY?! It just boggles my mind. On the positive side, I am three-quarters done with my pregnancy. And on the negative side, I am three-quarters done with my pregnancy. Yeah, I know!

Lastly, I hope everyone has a kick-ass weekend.
I plan to spend some quality time with my husband before he leaves me to go train in Kentucky for a week. Then I hope to get some things taken care of around the house. Cause you know, I am 30 weeks pregnant and that means we got us a baby comin’.

And now for the close-up:

4 thoughts on “30 Week Belly

  1. hey girlie! I just stopped by and I’m so sorry to hear about the diabetes. I’ll say a little prayer in hopes that you and the little one stay as healthy as can be till it’s time for her to come out and meet the world! You look so good and so pregnant! hee! I’m so excited for you and Sim! Take care of you!!!

  2. So are you feeling completely pregnant now? You’re definitely looking pregnant now, too cute. (Said in the nicest tone possible) 😉
    So Sim IS going after all. Nice of them to give him such advanced warning. 😉 Then hopefully we’ll finally get around to dinner in a couple weeks!

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