Joining the 2 to 7 percent

Well it is official. I have gestational diabetes. I just talked to my doctor’s office and got the results of my 3-hour test:

     Fasting: 81 mg/dl
     One hour: 165 mg/dl
     Two hour: 165 mg/dl
     Three hour: 154 mg/dl

This is how they classify “abnormal” scores:
     Fasting: 95 mg/dl or higher
     One hour: 180 mg/dl or higher
     Two hour: 155 mg/dl or higher
     Three hour: 140 mg/dl or higher

So while my fasting and one hour tests were fine, the two and three hour were not. Luckily, my scores were not very far outside the normal limit, so my doctor said I should be able to regulate my blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. This means no insulin and no shots. Yeah! I will, however, have to test my own blood sugar levels between doctors appointments, but it should only be a tiny prick of the finger.

Next Monday night I have a diabetic education class, where I will meet with a dietician and learn more about gestational diabetes. They will send me home with my very own glucometer to test my blood sugar. Then I have a follow-up appointment the following Monday afternoon.

I know that between 2 and 7 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition, making it one of the most common health problems of pregnancy, but for now it is a little overwhelming. I have read just about everything I can Google on the subject. I know it’s common. I know it’s manageable. I know it’s not my fault. I know it is just that my pancreas can’t keep up with the increased insulin demand due to these damn pregnancy hormones raging through my body. I KNOW.

But still.

I stumble across phrases like “baby may be too large to enter the birth canal” or “twice as likely to develop preeclampsia” or worse yet, “increased risk for stillbirth in the last two months of pregnancy.” While I understand the odds of these things happening to me, given my test results, are relatively rare, it doesn’t change the fact that these things are all very scary.

But don’t get me wrong, I am going to do everything in my power to work this to my advantage. I am going to eat healthier. I am going to get more exercise. If nothing else, I am going to do my best to be as healthy and as aware as I can possibly be. And you damn well better believe that this is going to be a change my family will me making to help keep us as healthy and happy as possible.

8 thoughts on “Joining the 2 to 7 percent

  1. carrie – you will be awesome!! everything will be awesome :). and i will find some tasty treats recipes that are good for the body to bring over for you!

  2. Suck, suck, suck. I am so sorry, darling. On the up side, you’ve only got 11 weeks to go… so close! You’ll make your diet/lifestyle changes, and baby will be here before you know it! At least you don’t have to give yourself shots. See, there’s another positive.

    Chin up, doll. Everything is going to be A-OK.

  3. i am sorry to hear that 🙁 you and simeon are both strong people and you will get through it and have a beautiful strong baby in the end 🙂

  4. Oh, that sucks sweetie. I’m SO glad you’re using it as an incentive to make a healthy lifestyle change for you and the fam though, that’s awesome. You know I’m always here if you want to walk, swim….or of course just talk….but I love to excercise, so if you ever need an excercise partner to motivate you, I’m it! Should I start making you come to DWA with me, no matter what? 😉
    Not that you don’t know all this already, but sometimes we need something like this to remind us. You’ll be fine, the baby will be fine…it’s never too late to start being healthier, just try to stick to it. Not just during your pregnancy, but after as well. Not just a diet, but an overall change in the way you see excercise and food. I guarantee you’ll be happier for it. 🙂 Love you sweetie, stay healthy and sane.

  5. Sorry to hear about the news. Good thing that it is manageable. Giving up cheesecake and Pumpkin Spice lattes is a small price to pay for a healthy baby! (However, it is a pain in the tushie though!)

  6. Oh sweetie…I’m sorry…
    That sucketh much! But you will get through it, yes indeed. Just know that Phil and I are keeping you in our prayers. And while this means a lot of eating changes, you can do it and Ana will be just fine. Bummer about the cheesecake though…(which was very yummy btw).

  7. Yep. family change. We will do better together for both our sakes, and for our baby! I love you and WE can make this better for our family.

    It will all be ok.

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