Oh hold

Phone timer: 00:05:19

Should I just hang up? Call back after lunch….Nah. I am sure it will just be a couple more minutes.

Phone timer: 00:11:28

I think I can actually predict what song is coming on the hold music next. Gimme a minute…

Phone timer: 00:18:43

Oh. Dear. Lord. Thankfully I have a headset. My ear would be bleeding if I had to actually hold the receiver to my head all this time.

Phone timer: 00:24:34

Make it stop! Please make the hold music stop!

Phone timer: 00:36:24

How the hell can I possibly be on hold this long? Am I even really still connected? Am I lost in the abyss now? Please, please make the hold music stop….

Phone timer: 00:41:03

Wait. Was that a person? Was that a click? Was I just disconnected? I swear the music just faded into a pause!

Phone timer: 00:45:11

So what is a reasonable amount of time to wait on hold, cause I am sure this is NOT it. Ok, I promise myself, if it gets to one hour, I will just hang up and call back after lunch.

Phone timer: 00:52:27


Phone timer: 00:59:54

Dammit. I cannot take it anymore. And I know as soon as I hang up, it will be my turn. Urrrrr. Screw it. I need to eat.

**Updated** I finally spoke to a real person today after being on hold for only 40 minutes. But this time I was prepared with snacks and blogs to read!

3 thoughts on “Oh hold

  1. Are you kidding me?! Did you call them again and finally get someone to answer, and then ask them why the hell you were on hold for an HOUR!!!!??? I’d be a little ticked as you can see. 🙂

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