When the phone rings….

…the best thing in the world to hear on the other end is the tiny voice of a child.

I was just sitting here working away when my cell phone rang. I quickly reached into my purse to answer the phone before any of my co-workers complained about the noise. I noticed the caller ID said “Heather’s cell” so I flipped my phone open prepared to chat and instead heard a quiet voice say, “Hello Daddy.” Confused, I replied, “Hello??” Then heard again, “Hello Mommy.”

Then I realized what was going on. Miss Lindsay had called me. She was making some of her “pretend” phone calls to those of us she loves. When she realized someone was actually talking back to her she got excited and said, “Hello Auntie Chloe!” (Apparently that’s who I sound like to her) I quickly turned back to my computer to IM Barney:

simz_girl: hey. where is your daughter?
Barney Boisvert: in the playroom somewhere
Barney Boisvert: i can hear her talking
simz_girl: yeah, she just called me
Barney Boisvert: oh

Apparently since I was the last one Heather called, Lindsay just hit “send” and dialed me up. Heather quickly realized Lindsay was talking to a real someone and got on the phone to investigate. We all got a pretty good chuckle out of it. But I am still sticking to my version of the story where Lindsay intended to call me and chat. Ya know, since it had been awhile. And we needed to catch up. 🙂

Looks like Heather teaching Lindsay to use the phone was quite effective.

2 thoughts on “When the phone rings….

  1. That was too funny. I was feeding Emery when I thought I heard someone talking BACK to Lindsay on my phone! Sure enough, it was you. Crazy kid. I better figure out how to lock the keypad! 😉

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