Obligatory Valentine’s Day Post

Today is the day where you declare your undying love and remind yourself how important those around you are, right? Gah. The only think I want to profess my love to is a bottle of NyQuil and my flannel jammies. I am in that starting-to-get-sick spot where my throat is scratchy, I ache all over and keep losing my train of thought.

Yeah… What was I saying? Oh right. Sick!

Thankfully, Simeon isn’t much better than I am. He isn’t quite to the point in the getting-sick-arena as I am (that or he just doesn’t complain as loudly as I do) but he is draggin’ some serious ass today. He got home from Ben Forta’s presentation in Seattle at about 3am and we had to get up for work at 6am. So he is getting sick AND working on little-to-no sleep. Ahhh, my knight in shining armor.

So he is treating me to the Valentine’s Day of my dreams: jammies, our new couch, and take-out. Further proof that I did indeed marry the right man.

4 thoughts on “Obligatory Valentine’s Day Post

  1. One of my favorite valentines with Mitch was when we were still dating during college and I wasn’t feeling well. We moved a TV into my room at my apartment, ordered chinese food, and layed in bed all evening. It was so perfect! (That was also the evening my roommate got engaged and with my cold medicine and sweet ‘n sour enduced coma I was unable to really come to and enjoy her special announcement until the next morning.)

  2. Uh oh, Heather, did Barney inherit his Dad’s brain for things like Valentine’s Day?!? We need to talk. ;o)

    Carrie & Sim, hope you both feel better soon.

  3. Hey, at least he acknowledges the fact that it’s Valentines Day. That’s something, believe me.
    I really hope you guys feel better soon! Are you sure you don’t want to just skip friends night this week? Or everyone could come over here and we could just order some pizza if you want, and you could veg on mt couch without having to lift a finger. 😉

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