I heart the Internet

And you wanna know why? Cause it provided me a place to vent, to rant, and to whine. And in turn you all showered me with welcomed kindness. I truly appreciate each and every one of you and your words of encouragement, be they in the comments or private emails or baby smiles just for me. I have a smile on my face right now that will last for days.

To further continue the happiness, last night Sim and I invited a couple people over to watch the season premiere of Gilmore Girls ( I love that show) and prepared comfort foods for dinner: pot roast, potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Mmmmmm. Happiness. We even had a surprise visit from Heather (possibly fueled by my begging for my friends?), Miss Lindsay and Little Emery. It was wonderful. I got to play with Lindsay (pictures to follow) and cuddle with Emery. Well, that is after Lindsay allowed me to touch her little brother. I breathed in all his baby smells and let him snuggle into my chest (maybe that will jump-start my uterus, ya think?). And (AND!!) they even promised to come back tonight. You better believe that is gonna add to the smile on my face.

Plus tonight is our weekly Friends dinner night. There is absolutely nothing better than surrounding yourself with people you love and having them love you back. I realize now (thanks for all the advice, guys) that everyone just shows their love in different ways. I will try not to push away the people who do it differently than myself. Once again, thank you for your emails, your comments, the “virtual” roses, the baby smiles, the laughs, and the hugs. Oh god the hugs! You guys are the best, and I heart you all.

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