I’m Alive, I Swear

Hello all! Sorry for the disappearing act. But I have been kept away from the Internet for longer than I was comfortable. We have been having some “network issues” at work that have left several of us in my office Internetless. Oh, but it’s not all the time. It’s random. And the people who don’t have Internety-goodness? Random as well. So I will be working (you know that thing I am not suppose to talk about here) away when–CRASH–the world as I know it stops working.

Yeah, you are all thinking, “don’t be so dramatic” or “how did you live before Internet” but the thing is we just switched all our client information to an Internet database. And what does that mean to me? You guessed it, no access to anything I need to do, well, practically anything. It pretty much sucked ass.

At least I had Spider Solitaire and Snood to keep me company. But you know it’s really bad when I want to work and not play games. I just HATE not being caught up on things and chaos winning over. Urgh.

2 thoughts on “I’m Alive, I Swear

  1. You know I just realized while reading this that I have had multiple jobs that have done something like this have had crashing problems immediately after installation. Which would obviously have to do with being new, but still, why do companies even bother if it’s just going to crash immediately.

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