
Unfortunately, just the highlights of the weekend, not in my hair or anything exciting like that (hmmm….I wonder how those would look on me anyway?):

…I was thoroughly entertained when Heather (who came down over the weekend) was changing Miss Lindsay’s diaper. Well Lindsay is at that lovely age where she likes to test her boundaries. (And does she!) Heather kept saying things like, “Be still” or “Don’t kick Mommy” and Lindsay would just laugh with glee. Then Heather would say, “I mean it” To which Lindsay would reply, “Meeeean.” in the most serious yet sarcastic voice a 15-month old can muster.

…Simeon and I were able to test our kidnapping abilities on our friend Erin when she resisted our pleading to go to breakfast with us after Pilates class (I even said she could eat something low-carb, not the pancakes Simeon would have forced her to eat!). Sim slyly whispered, “start the car” just before he tossed Erin over his shoulder and dragged her to our car. He even managed to flip the child-locks on the car door before she realized what happened. She sat laughing hysterically, still dazed, in the back seat as we drove off and made her accompany us at Elmer’s. Needless to say she did not eat any pancakes….but Sim did!

…I finally got caught up on all the laundry that was mounting in my bedroom. I great feet considering Simeon spills on things faster than I can wash them. And with our regular visits to the gym, the number of smelly clothes and damp towels has been mounting steeply! In fact the dogs have been eyeing the laundry baskets willing things to spill over the edge so they can rub and roll all over them.

…um yeah. And I think thats about it. Nothing too exciting. Sorry. And I didn’t even take a single picture. Bad Carrie!!

4 thoughts on “Highlights

  1. Ha ha! Maybe there’s something about Simeon none of us knew if he’s that good at kidnapping like that. 😉 Just joking. And oh my god is Carrie telling the truth. Miss Lindsay the diva is really stretching her wings to see how much she can get away with these days. The iron fist has come down this week though and hopefully she’ll settle down! Yikes.
    And Carole, I’m so sorry we didn’t get to see you! We’ll be back the weekend of the 22nd or whatever it’s going to be, and we’ll be staying the whole week, into the following weekend. So you better be there at some point during all that time! 😉 We’ll all have to get together.

  2. I have to admit, I could not have been kidnapped by a nicer couple. I was quite surprised by how quickly Sim got the child proof locks going. Leads me to believe that he has done this type of thing before…

  3. It’s a date! In fact, as we were driving to breakfast Sim suggested we stop and pick you up too, but I thought you were at the beach for the weekend.

  4. Heather and Lindsay were here and I didn’t get to see them? You went to Elmer’s WITHOUT me? I demand to go to Elmer’s sometime very soon.

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