
…the words, “we are having a tea party today and I thought I needed a new tea cozy” were just uttered in my office.

…the weatherman told me this morning it is suppose to be sunny and 70 degrees this weekend. And wouldn’t you know it, I have to study.

…misunderstanding is a bitch. And miscommunication is it’s evil stepmother.

…the countdown ’til this work-week is over is hovering around 24 hours. Why now is time suddenly dragging its feet?

2 thoughts on “Thinking…

  1. I’ll tell you why time drags its feet. It’s because time is a spiteful little jerk. Just think about it:

    ~When you’re doing the worst work time slows down for you. You know, so you can really savor the crappy experience.

    ~When you’re doing something really fun time goes ahead and speeds up. You know it can’t handle you having too much fun. What a jealous bastard.

    ~When you need more time, it almost never makes itself available to you. Time just doesn’t know how to share (accept apparently in beachfront condos for 4 weeks a year, but I’ve never been to one of those pitch sessions, so I don’t really know how that works).

    ~Time can even act like a drug sometimes. Take 5am or 6am for example. Right about this time thousands of Americans are waking up to the sound of an alarm clock. Most people have to make do with a small fix, say 5 or 10 more minutes. But you know that they would take more if they could! It’s like the monkey that is presented with two buttons. One button opens a door that leads to food and the other a door that leads to crack. The monkey ALWAYS pushes the crack button. What do you think the sleep button is people?

  2. Tea cozies do make good party hats…
    If time is dragging it’s feet then do your studying now, and go play this weekend!!! 70 degree weather sounds really nice, I’m sick of it being 85 all the time.

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