Diet strategies revealed

I have always heard that the first few weeks of a new diet are the hardest. And boy am I struggling. First off, in my office we have a candy dish that is always filled with several delicious candies. Right now, it is the bane of my existence. Every time I walk out of our office to use the restroom (once again, the water drinking has its downfalls) I see it. I am determined not to eat a single piece. I would much rather save the few calories I am rationed for something sustainable, as I am constantly hungry. I have set up a schedule, if you will, for Simeon and I to eat meals. We have breakfast at 7am, a snack at 10am, lunch at 1pm, a snack at 4pm then dinner around 7pm. This is to prevent our blood sugar from dipping and causing us to eat unnecessarily. So far all it has done is cause me to constantly check the time to see when I can eat again. But so far, I have not cheated!

Secondly, my desk is right next to the door to the kitchen, which is constantly filled with wonderful smells that make my tummy grumble. Yesterday I almost attacked one of my co-workers for a bagel he was buttering while I heated up my low-carb Lean Cuisine. *Sigh* I have almost resorted to food-napping.

But I think I have a plan! Another co-worker/friend of mine is also dieting (shout out to Erin!). She is doing the South Beach Diet, while I am kind of making mine up as I go. But we have vowed to eat our snacks/lunches together, mostly in an attempt to avoid seeing what wonderful things others are eating, but also to discuss our diets. It’s a support group if you will. We are swapping recipes, warning each other of foods to avoid, and trying to convince ourselves that Splenda tastes better than real sugar (“Who doesn’t love that chemical after taste?”). In fact, today as one of our other co-worker/friends was licking a chocolate caramel in front of us (you know who you are), Erin called her an evil whore. And it was perfect.

My final strategy involved trick mirrors. Last night Simeon gave me a C.H.I.M.P. for my computer at work. While its original intent was to forewarn me of people walking up behind me (I am easily spooked and constantly jump out of my seat when co-workers approach), it also acts as a wide-angle mirror. Whenever I get hungry or think of food, all I have to do is look in the “mirror” and I am determined to stick to the plan! Ewww, I shudder every time I look over there!

Editor’s Note: I do not intend to constantly ramble on about dieting and food deprivation, but its the new year and that’s about all that’s happening right now. Well that and I need all the support and encouragement the Internet can give me!

4 thoughts on “Diet strategies revealed

  1. In my defense I did NOT know yo were dieting until you DROOLED when I was eating my carmel candy, thus, forcing the licking to be done. So there, from a co-dieter, you know how hard I try.


  2. The cat’s out of the bag then…you’re preggers! Carrie told me the news at lunch (actually, I tricked it out of her), but I didn’t want to say anything in case you didn’t want the whole Internet to know.


    How do you feel? As a woman who might try out this baby thing sometime in 2005, I want to know all about your pregnancy…spare me no details, woman!

  3. You evil whores talking about getting skinny, when all I’ll be doing for the next nine months is getting fatter and fatter no matter how much I excercise or eat healthy! 😉
    Just kidding… well, sort of.

  4. Hi Carrie! I’m glad to hear your diet is going well so far. I know how you feel…why is that when dieting all we can think of is food?

    In the past I have used the Weight Watchers FlexPoints plan. It’s really easy to follow and you never really feel "deprived" of any foods you like. I don’t go to meetings or anything, but I have the books and stuff if you’d be interested in borrowing them.

    Also, my favorite lowfat TV dinners (good for lunch-time at work) are Healthy Choice Traditional Turkey Dinner (it is REAL turkey!), and the Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans and Veggie Pizza TV dinners called Weight Watchers "Smart Ones."

    All this talk about food has made me hungry. Let’s get together again soon for lunch!

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