We Interrupt this Program…

We interrupt this program to bring you a very important message:

I just pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. This is a total sign that Operation Grow-Out is working.

You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled programming.

Over and out.

4 thoughts on “We Interrupt this Program…

  1. The back of my hair is just long enough to pull into a low ponytail, but the bangs (damn that woman!!) tuck nicely behind my ears. I’ve been able to pull it into a high ponytail for awhile, but its not so professional for workin’.

  2. Yay! So are the bangs grown out enough to be pulled back too, or are they just long enough now that they’re driving you absolutely nuts because you can’t secure them?

  3. I just wanted to take a second to say:


    My life my return to normal soon, in that if she is having a bad hair day, it can just be a pony tail day!

    Congratulations sweety!

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