
I don’t know if it’s due to my over-active imagination or the fact that I am addicted to scary movies, but I have this thing with elevators. And it’s not even the obvious fear of being stuck for hours at a time or even plummeting down several floors. No, I am actually afraid every time the doors open what might be inside the elevator. Usually just after I push the button and right before the doors open an image flashes in my brain. It’s totally out of Stephen King’s The Shining. I don’t want to totally freak you out and tell you what I imagine, because then I would thoroughly convince you all I’m crazy. Well, that and I am really worried that it’s a premonition and one of these days it may happen.

So what scares you?

9 thoughts on “Fears

  1. Ahhhh…sure is nice to know I’m not completely wacko! (Ok, maybe this is up for debate)
    I am afraid of having my eyes closed for too long in the shower. I keep thinking that I will open them and some crazy, knife-wielding maniac will be staring at me, ready to pounce. Not really a ‘Psycho’ fear, but similar. I think maybe I got over it somewhat since it did happen…only not a crazy, knife-wielding maniac…just Phil. Eh…what are ya gonna do?
    Other fear…dust clouds. I know that’s a weird one, but I always feel like I’m suffocating. Oh, and heights are a really bad thing. Flying is another one… Give me some time, I could be afraid of just about anything with my over-active imagination!

  2. I am afraid of crowds, loud noises, lack of oxygen in a room, heights, open water, spiders, snakes, things that crawl, you see I am afraid of most everything, the difference is………….I go after everything I am afraid of. My motto…."Talk loud and fast, it confuses the prey!"

  3. See, this was really the reason I wrote this post. I wanted to be assured of my own sanity. I really think about this stuff constantly. It’s horrible.

    When I am in theaters I don’t think of gunmen as much as fires. Thinking, "How the hell do I get out of here?" while I study the emergency exits.

    Don’t even get me started on airplanes! Seen Final Destination? Yeah. Thoughts like that…

  4. Ugh, Candyman! Ruined them for me too! Hmmmm, what am I afraid of…..well, I’m not really afraid of a lot of things per say, but I do have very irrational thoughts on a constant basis. I’ll find myself sitting in a movie theater, studying the room and all of the exits, trying to figure out what I’m going to do/how I’m going to save myself and my loved ones when the masked gunmen burst through the doors halfway through the movie. I’ll be ready for them damn it, THEY WON’T GET ME!
    In writing this, I realize what an oddly morbid person I am deep down. I’m constantly thinking about what I’m going to do when someone tries to kill me or my loved ones… Odd, since nothing bad has ever really happened to me…
    I think I have mental problems.

  5. Kristina- Oh public bathrooms! I have heard far to many scary things…things that go beyond sanitization! I think the movie <i>Candyman</i> ruined them for me as well!

  6. I’m the same way about public restrooms, especially in airports. Don’t ask me why, but every time I go to a public restroom, I expect to find a body when I push the stall door open. It’s bizarre, as I’ve never come close to having anything like that happen, but there you go.

  7. No way man. Way too twisted. And you do not want to hear about it anyway. YOU may start to see it too! Oh and you never answered the question: What scares YOU?

  8. What do you see? What do you see? I want to know, I HAVE to know! Then maybe I won’t feel so crazy for all of the weird ass stuff I imagine on a daily basis! 😉
    Come on…tell us!

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