Hormonally Charged Rant

Ok, I know I have been quiet over here lately (and I have already been lectured for that. Sorry ladies!) but things have been so chaotic at work that when I finally get home I am wiped out. That and I figured no one wanted to hear me complaining (God knows there is enough of that out there!) so I kept quiet. Well I have held my tongue long enough. Watch yourself:

Work has been insane. To keep from being “Dooced“, I try not to talk too much about work, but lately I feel like I am surrounded by morons. For the most part, I am not talking about anyone that works in my local office, but the Home Office. I swear they just stopped processing things, let alone on time! Jeez! And of course, I am the first one to deal with the clients when they realize their accounts are messed up. So I have been a tad on the annoyed side. Oh and if I hear, “We are working on it” one more time…

On top of that, we have started the expansion in our office and the doorway/hallway to the new area is right next to my desk. Like 6 inches away. So not only am I the first one to get nauseous from the chemical smells, the first one to jump out of my seat when they drop a metal beam, and the only one to get totally distracted from everyone in my office peaking into the new area and asking me if I know anything about it, but they took my desk neighbor away! I was all alone up here for a few months, but then I got a desk neighbor! And she was great! We talked and had a great time. We have tons in common and she actually gets me. Me! But now she is gone. They had to move her desk to cut through the wall and she was moved to the very back of the office. Sadness. I hope when all is complete they will allow her to come back and keep me company again.

On top of all that, (and being hormonal, blech!) my hair is being very weird today. For some reason one side insists on flipping out and the other side flips under. Can I have no consistency in my life? Ever?!? I happily look forward to the day that my hair will once again be able to be pulled back into a low ponytail. Ah the good ol’ days.

Ok, go back about your day now. The ranting has ceased. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Hormonally Charged Rant

  1. Well, I hope that I was the nice deskmate you were talking about. How sweet are you! Don’t worry, the noise will be over soon enough and we will be hopefully be sitting near each other again soon!

  2. Yay! We love hearing about the annoying people you are forced to interact with! Especially those of us who aren’t subjected to such torture on a daily basis. 😉 Let’s us in on a little drama in our lives. Thanks for posting!

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