Bad Hu-mommy!

In the middle of the night, I often get thirsty, so I keep a glass of water beside my bed (I even have a bendy-straw in the cup so I can drink without having to lift my head…but that’s another story). Well last night (or early this morning, I’m not sure of the time only that it was still dark outside) I reached for the glass but instead of grabbing the glass, I knocked it over….right onto my sleeping dog. Poor Ellie! She jumped up and ran to the foot of the bed. I got out of bed and tried to console her, apologizing for dumping water all over her. I turned her bed over, so the wet side was down and tried to coax her back to her bed. She refused and snuck around to Sim’s side of the bed. I felt so bad.

But she must have forgiven me at some point in the night, because when I woke up this morning, she was back to sleeping on her bed again. Poor lil’ thing.

2 thoughts on “Bad Hu-mommy!

  1. Hey, by the way, I sort of copied you and Heather and added a "What I’m Reading" category to my site. And guess what? You’re on it! Big surprise huh?! 😉

  2. Aaaawwwwwwwww. That’s so funny but sad for Ellie at the same time. She didn’t know what the hell was going on, huh?! It’s ok though. Obviously no permanent psychological damage was done.

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