Attempting domestication

So last night Sim and I went to Sauvie Island Farms and picked about 110 lbs of peaches. Why on earth would we do something like that, you ask? Because this weekend I am going to attempt to learn how to can! My mother is coming over and she is going to teach me yet another thing I can do in the kitchen.

I grew up with my mom making everything that there was to make. She cooked, canned or froze just about everything possible. At any given time, we probably could have gone a year without leaving the house and never starve. As a result, I got really spoiled with great food. In fact, to this day I cannot eat store bought applesauce. Are you kidding me people? That’s not even close to what applesauce is suppose to taste like, let alone feel like. Gross!

Since I plan to one day have children, I want to learn how to do all the things my mother did for me. So this weekend, I am going to can peaches. I can assure you I will be taking some pictures and will have some great stories to tell on Monday! Check back then!

One thought on “Attempting domestication

  1. You little Martha Stewart you! Wait, maybe not such a good comparison these days huh? 😉 Well, have fun slaving away in the kitchen this weekend!
    your friend who can’t be bothered to learn such things as canning, but will quite willingly try out the results of your efforts to do so!

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