16 Week Belly

And so it begins. I am 16 weeks today and I have officially entered the point in my pregnancy where I feel like I need to start taking belly shots. I’m trying not to compare this to my first belly shot with Ana at 17 weeks. Everyone says you show faster with the second pregnancy and I am firmly supporting that theory. Well, it’s certainly not because I’ve been eating too much lately! Quite the opposite, in fact. Food and I are not on the best of terms right now. When something does actually sound good, I get about half way through eating it and I am done. Like, get it away from me. NOW. And we won’t be eating that, oh, ever again. Yep, I am still overcome with morning sickness.

But enough about that, let’s get to the baby bump! Here is Baby Bateman 2.0:

And Ana wanted to be in the picture too, so here she is giving some lovin’ to her future sibling.

5 thoughts on “16 Week Belly

  1. I gain 50 pounds with Amelia and had a normal size belly.

    Gained 10 ish (I was sick like you) with Zeke and was as big as a house.

    Amelia was 5.5 pounds (5weeks early)
    Zeke was 8.12 pounds @ 38 weeks.

    from the looks of your belly it’s a boy….
    I guess we will see in four weeks!

    can’t wait to see the weekly shots.

  2. Carrie – you look gorgeous & we are so super happy for you. Thanks for sharing so much of your gorgeous life – you are an inspiration and a beautiful woman!

    Cheers darling,

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