
Ok, so here are the rules of the game:
1. Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 7 random things, and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 7 people and include their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here are my Seven Random Facts:

1. I am addicted to Chapstick. I have some stashed all around my house (as well as in my purse and my car). You know, in case of emergency.

2. I hate talking on the phone. Send me an email or a text and I will reply within the hour. Leave me a voicemail and I will still most likely reply via email.

3. I didn’t like red meat until I was pregnant. Now I love it. My fridge is currently stocked with ribs, steak, and hamburgers. What? It’s BBQ weather.

4. I have become obsessed with baby shoes. I know Ana doesn’t technically need them yet, but I still can’t stop buying them. They are just TOO CUTE.

5. I don’t like receiving flowers or plants. Don’t get me wrong, I love them outside and think they beautiful, but I tend to kill them. And those that I don’t kill are eaten by my cats…and then vomited all around my house.

6. I freak out about fingernail/toenail clippings. I trim my nails (as well as Simeon’s and Ana’s) over a napkin and instantly throw them away. I do not understand people who just let ’em fly all over the place. Ewwwwww.

7. My hair has started falling out in the last couple weeks. Don’t worry, it is just postpartum hair loss and totally normal. I thought it would start happening soon after I delivered, but mine started five months later. Go figure. Oh and the hair that isn’t falling out on its own is being pulled out in tiny fistfuls by my daughter.

I am tagging: Simeon,
Nick, Chelle, Megan, Rachael, Erin and Carmel. TAG! You’re it!

2 thoughts on “Tag!

  1. I am not a fan of the phone either and I hear ya on the clippings. I get neurotic when one errant clipping flies somewhere and I can’t find it.
    And I keep meaning to tell you happy first mother’s day with Ana – Jason and I really want to come over soon and see you guys! We’ll be in touch.
    And Jaslene? I didn’t watch it, but I saw it on MSN (my addiction during the day). Never really thought it would happen. I’ll have to watch the show to see my thoughts.

  2. Too funny the things we have in common. I too have begun losing my hair, and one of my pet peeves (like yours with nails) is hair. I HATE seeing hairs lying around anywhere, even my own. So this hair loss thing is totally bugging me.

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