Three Years & Going Strong

Today is my three year blogoversary (blog-o-versary?). I have officially been publicizing my life to the world for THREE YEARS now. It’s funny, whenever I try to explain my site to people who don’t really “get” blogging it either sounds voyeuristic or narcissistic. I am sure there is a little of both in there, but mostly I do it for me. I find nothing more gratifying than looking back over old entries and seeing what I have done, where I have come from, and how I have grown. I don’t honestly sit and read my archives very often, but when I do I am astounded by how easily I am transported back to that very day. I can remember exactly how I was feeling and what I was going through. To me that is magical. My blog is like my own personal time machine.

All those things are only compounded by the fact that I am now a parent. I love that my daughter will be able to look back (maybe with more embarrassment than anything–but what good are parents if not to embarrass their children, right?) at specific milestones in her life and relive those moments. Whether it is through a video clip (note to self: put up more video clips), photos, or even just my little daily musings. After all, isn’t life in the details? To know that I am keeping track of all these things whether they seem important to me now or not, is priceless. Because really, EVERY moment is special and not to be taken for granted.

Ok, so now we know why I blog, why do you blog? And if you don’t blog personally, what are you waiting for?

One thought on “Three Years & Going Strong

  1. I completely agree. You also tend to pay more attention to little things in life if you’re trying to think of things to
    write. It’s like public journaling. Maybe it’s a little narcissistic, but we all need a little of that!
    I blog because I enjoy sharing my thoughts, even if hardly anyone ever reads them! Who knows who’s day you make more
    enjoyable by posting though? I really love your blog, along with a lot of my other friends’ blogs–y’all are good writers!

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