Doctor’s Appointment Report

I had my 38 week doctor’s appt this morning and have this to report back:

Urine: Normal: no protein, no sugar (yea!)
Weight: 1 pound gained since last appt (bringing me up to 7 lbs total!)
Blood Pressure: Nice and low
Baby’s Heartbeat: Normal, in the 140s
Measuring: perfect for 38 weeks
BPP: 8 out of 8
Cervix: Totally Closed

Since I have passed 38 weeks (I am 38 weeks and three days after all) my doctor has added an internal exam to the list of things we get to do at my weekly appointments. Fun, fun. However, this internal exam did not bring any news what-so-ever. My cervix is completely closed and she couldn’t see any sign of the baby dropping into my pelvis. Heck, you can tell that just by looking at me. In fact during the ultrasound I had before my doctor’s appointment the tech actually had to move one of my boobs out of the way so she could check on the baby’s stats. Yeah, you could say our baby is up high and holding on to my ribs for leverage. My doctor even jokingly asked if the baby was breech. Had we not seen that her head is firmly resting on my bladder for the last three ultrasounds (again, this I could have confirmed without the fancy tests), we might have wondered if she was breech.

So on doctor’s orders, Simeon and I did lots of walking around this evening at the mall. Now if you will excuse me, we have some other, um, “methods” of helping our daughter drop into my pelvis to try out this evening. *wink, wink*

9 thoughts on “Doctor’s Appointment Report

  1. You could try carrying a toddler around on your tummy for a couple hours. I took Nikolai trick or treating, the next day- poof! Gabriel was born!

    Ok ok, actually I was induced, and carrying heavy things while heavily pregnant is a bad idea. If you can manage castor oil, I’ve heard that it helps start labor.

    But really, the first birth will cause some serious disruption to your body. Please, let your body prepare naturally, in it’s own time. It knows what it needs to do. That’s why the term for the cervix is "ripening."

    Your body will not allow itself to deliver your baby, until it is ready, and you are relaxed enough for labor to progress. I’m sorry to sound like cold water thrown in your face, but really, babies come when they’re ready!

  2. baby will be here before you know it. i asked my friends who are or have been formerly preggers what their suggestions were. i was told walking, eating spicey food, eggplant, and doing what got you ana in the first place 🙂 have fun!

  3. Ahhhhh, I see now. Kids must get that trait from the cervix. I know they rarely do what you want them to also 🙂

  4. It has been my personal experience that cervixes rarely do what we like them to do. They completely have minds of their own. Good luck!

  5. Try mopping your floors! Because I had a scheduled induction and was wanting to go into labor naturally I tried EVERYTHING the week and a half leading up to the induction date (this was PAST his due date). The only thing that brought on contractions was mopping (and fast walking). But unfortnatly for me they didn’t last. But hey, I have a BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY baby boy so I’m not coplaining! Did you get my message about the diapers?

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