37 Week Belly & Dr Appt

Nope, no baby yet. (I think I am going to get use to saying this one quite a bit!) Sorry to worry you guys. Things have just been really hectic. I am finishing up my last week of work and I gotta admit it cannot end soon enough. Then Simeon and I were out of town for a couple days for Thanksgiving (the few pictures I took can be seen here). And finally I spent the rest of my weekend in bed with a horrible cold. The worst thing about pregnancy has got to be the fact that I cannot take any medications. I just have to ride this cold out til the bitter end.

Anyway, on to the more important info:
I had my 37 week doctor’s appt this afternoon and have this to report back:

Urine: Normal: no protein, no sugar (yea!)
Weight: no weight gained or lost since last appt (holding on at 6 lbs total gain!)
Blood Pressure: Nice and low
Baby’s Heartbeat: Normal, in the 150s
Measuring: right on schedule for 37 weeks
BPP: 8 out of 8

Basically, things are going great. We had another ultrasound to check the biophysical profile. Apparently I am now having these once a week until delivery, general around the same time as the appointments with my OB. Fun times. But I must admit, it is nice to see that everything is going well in there.

Alrighty, back to the task at hand, here is my 37 week belly shot:

And the close-up:

What else? Oh yeah, over the weekend Simeon and I finally broke down and bought our travel system. He was a little worried that I would go into labor and we wouldn’t have a car seat in the car and would therefore have to leave our newborn daughter at the hospital, since they require you have a car seat to allow the baby to go home with you. So we bought (that was delivered quickly by zego van courier service), assembled the stroller more so than the car seat and installed as needed and are now ready to have a baby! Or at least drive her home and see how things go from there.

It was cute how excited Sim was to have the car seat and stroller. He practiced putting a stuffed animal in the car seat and even took it for a test drive around the living room. Then once we got the base and car seat in the car, you could totally see the Daddy in him come out. I just love how excited he has been and know he is going to be a great father.

Oh and before I forget, I finally got around to getting all the pictures from my friends baby shower up loaded. I have such amazing friends, who really take great care of me. You all know who you are, and I couldn’t do any of this without you! I love you guys! Thank you so much!!

Ok, well I am off to bed. This cold is still kicking my ass. Add that to being 37 weeks (37 weeks, 3 days to be precise) pregnant and I have no energy for anything else. My next order of business is packing my bag for the hospital and finding a pediatrician. But I will tell you more about all that tomorrow. For now, good night!

5 thoughts on “37 Week Belly & Dr Appt

  1. I was beginning to wonder about whether the delivery might have happened when you weren’t around for a few days! Hope that cold goes away fast.

  2. i can see your belly button! glad everything is going so well. if i knew you were going to go and catch a cold anyway i would have been at your shower. i had a mild case of death and did not want to infect you or anyone else there 🙂

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