The First Shower

Yesterday my boss, with the help of several fabulous ladies in my office, threw me my first baby shower. It was the nicest thing. To see all these people who I see on a regular basis in a very professional and conservative manner discussing diapers and midnight feedings while cooing over all things frilly and pink is enough to melt anyone’s heart. So as far as I see it, an emotional pregnant lady didn’t stand much of a chance.

I convinced Simeon to take a long, late lunch and come to the shower with me. Once I mentioned there would be cake and coffee, it didn’t take much more to convince him to join me for the celebration.

Overall the shower was a wonderful time. Thankfully my car has plenty of room so we could take home the mountain of gifts we acquired. I am so excited to go through each and every present again as I put things away in the nursery. This has truly helped me to feel more prepared for my little girl’s imminent arrival.

All the pictures from the shower, taken by my co-worker and friend Sandra (who actually had the foresight to bring her camera), are here.

4 thoughts on “The First Shower

  1. I’m excited for Thanksgiving so you and Sim can share about your shower and Ana’s gifts. Love and miss you both, opps all 3 of you!! 🙂 Mom

  2. you two look like you had a great time! you are in the final stretch for your time working huh? can you concentrate at all???

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