
Ana got the hiccups last night. It wasn’t the first time she has had them, but the first time I actually recognized them for what they were. I was lying in bed desperately trying to fall asleep between the alternating snores of Simeon and Ellie (they like to do this to me ALL THE TIME), so I tried to focus on my belly movements as I drifted off to sleep. Then I noticed how incredibly rhythmic the movements were. I was starting to wonder if my daughter was keeping time in there, as it was almost as constant as the ticking of a second hand on a clock. Then it suddenly dawned on me that where I was feeling the tiny bumps was right about where I was guessing her head was and it wasn’t kicking (or punching) at all, but the hiccups! It was so cute I had to roll over and wake Simeon up to share my realization. I know it is totally minor, and not a very big deal, but the little things, even as small a hiccups, just make this whole thing so real and so worth it. We can’t wait to meet you, baby girl!

5 thoughts on “Hicc-em-ups

  1. I love it when Katie gets the hiccups. And it really is different with every baby. Jacob got the hiccups all the time and he would get so mad, he’d start thrashing in my belly. I should have known that he would have a temper! Katie just hiccups quietly. And when she stops, I can use the stethoscope and listen to her tiny heartbeat (because then I know exactly where her chest is).
    We are almost there girl! I’m getting excited too!

  2. That’s so funny, Lindsay hiccupped SO MUCH while I was pregnant with her, and when she came out, it didn’t stop. Literally several episodes a day. My pediatrician told me that babies who do it a lot in the womb usually do it a lot more than other kids once they come out. And it seems to be true, because I didn’t notice it nearly as much with Emery, and when he came out, he hardly ever did it. And they always told me, "Oh, don’t worry, it doesn’t bother them the way it bugs us". How the hell do you know? Do you remember being 2 months old? Probably not. 😉 But let’s hope it’s not so annoying to them since they’re having to deal with it so much.

  3. Isn’t that the sweetest thing ever? Michael had them the other night, too. I wish there was something we could do for the poor darlings.

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