Nursery & 32 Week Belly

All signs are pointing toward the end of this pregnancy. My daily pregnancy emails all talk about preparing for birth and how I am just about done cookin’ my little one. Even my pregnancy tracker on my blog mentions how the baby is turning head down in preparation for birth. Things are suddenly feeling very, very real. So Simeon and I got our butts in gear yesterday and cleared out the “guest room” and made it into our “nursery.”

We were a little worried about all the furniture assembly because we have heard some horror stories about broken/missing pieces or instructions that make no sense whatsoever. But luckily our assembly went smoothly and before we knew it, we had created a room for our baby.

We have all the bedding, bumpers, etc. that follow our star and moon theme (Pottery Barn Kids, My Friend the Moon), but we haven’t bought a crib mattress yet, so that part can wait. Plus I don’t want our cats getting too cozy in there and claiming it as their own before Ana even has a chance to sleep in there. I will post the final pictures once we have the little details completed. For now, what you see is what you get.

Now that we have the new dresser (which we will also use as the changing table) put together I can start washing and sorting all the little clothes we have started to acquire…and let me tell you there is a TON. Already this girl has a bigger (and better, I might add) wardrobe than I do!
All the nursery pictures (the before and after) as well as the furniture assembly pictures are here. And to fully round (ha ha ha!) things out, here is the belly shot for 32 weeks.

And the ever popular close-up:

7 thoughts on “Nursery & 32 Week Belly

  1. Looks great – you still have a ways to go still, so relax and enjoy it. Once Anna’s here, you may find yourself wishing you were still pregnant!

  2. Fabulous! The room looks great. You will have an extremely fun time washing and folding all those teeny tiny clothes. I just did that the other day and was practically in tears by the time I was done, so overwhelmed by all the tiny cuteness.

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