Doctor’s Appointment Report

I had my 28 week doctor’s appt this morning and have this to report back:

Urine: Normal, signs of sugar (see below)
Weight: 1 lb since last month (4 lbs total gain)
Blood Pressure: Lower than last time
Baby’s Heartbeat: Normal, in the 180s

Things of note were that we had the big Glucose Screen test. An hour before my appointment I drank my little bottle of soda and prepared for the worst, but I really didn’t think it was that bad. It was just like super sweet 7-up (I did pick the lemon-lime flavor and I would highly recommend it over the orange from what I have heard). Then I sat back and waited to start twitching or bouncing off the walls, but nothing happened. Hopefully that means my body is reacting well to sugar and doing all the things it is suppose to.

Anyway, we got to the doctor’s office and did the hurry-up-and-wait thing, then I gave some blood for the glucose test (results should be back in a few days) and went in for my regular appointment. After the poking and prodding of the uterus (all measurements are in normal range) we got to listen to the heartbeat. I tell ya, that woosh, woosh, woosh just never gets old. I love it.

But the surprising part of the appointment came as my doctor was handing us the little slip to set up our next visit. Having done my reading, I was all prepared for the switch from having appointments once a month to every two weeks, but I was not prepared for her to say, “And now we will schedule the appointments for the rest of your pregnancy.” THE. REST. OF. MY. PREGNANCY. How bizarre is that? So I see her every two weeks for the next eight weeks, then I switch to weekly visits until I deliver…which seems to be arriving more quickly that I could ever have imagined! Eeee!!

5 thoughts on “Doctor’s Appointment Report

  1. Yessir, you are really on the home stretch now. I’ve enjoyed reading and getting to see what I can look forward to seven weeks in the future!

    And in all politeness, you and your four pounds can BITE ME. I have already gained about 19. I’m so jealous.

  2. YEAH! This next part will go so fast. Especially since there are holidays this time of the year. Soon it will Halloween, then thanksgiving, then BABY DAY! Ana will be here soon and you will fall so deep in love with her.

  3. i am glad that everything is going well 🙂 i cannot believe you have only gained 4 lbs! amazing! you look great in your pics from this weekend 🙂

  4. I LOVED that part of my pregnancy, when I got to go every other, and then every single week. It’s so fun to be able to keep such constant tabs on the little one in there, and makes you feel a lot better about everything as you get closer to and more anxious about the delivery. HOW FUN! Are you getting excited?! I am!

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