Four Fabulous Years

At this time, four years ago, I was running around frantically trying to get ready for my wedding. FOUR. YEARS. AGO. I cannot even believe it has been that long. In fact, the only reason I do believe it is that math does not lie. We got married on September 21st, 2002. So there you have it. Four years.

To celebrate our wedding anniversary, Simeon and I are heading out of town tomorrow morning for a fabulous weekend at the Salishan Resort. We are going to dine on five-star cuisine, enjoy a relaxing couples massage, enjoy the view of the bay from our private balcony and end each day cuddling in front of our romantic fireplace and we could even plan sex meet ups if we were alone. You could say it will be the perfect weekend. Plus it will be our last little get-away before our daughter is born and any vacation we take will be a family affair.

Oh but the anniversary celebration hardly stops there. For those of you unfamiliar, the proper gift (between couples, that is) for a fourth anniversary is either fruit/flowers (the traditional gift) or appliances (the modern gift). Now while I normally consider myself a traditional girl, I was not about to settle for fruit or flowers on such an occasion. Not when appliances were to be had! Well that and a couple weeks ago our dryer (second-hand even to us) decided to bite the bullet. So Simeon and I make the trip out to Sears and found ourselves the proud owners of a new front-loading Kenmore Elite HE4 washer and dryer.

When we first walked in we were torn between just buying a cheap dryer to hold us over or going all out and getting the best thing on the market. Once we factored in all the tax credits, water rebates, energy rebates, 15% cash back on all appliance purchases, and the long term energy efficiency (Our old washer used about 40 gallons of water per load and the new one uses 17. Not to mention there is a more efficient spin cycle cutting the drying time in half!), it didn’t really amount to much of a decision to make. Plus, we were able to reason that with a baby on the way, any help in making laundry easier was just fine and dandy with us.

I tried to take a few pictures of my “anniversary gift” but given the dimensions of our laundry room, the angles were tricky. But you can get the idea of how cool they are
here. Oh and don’t forget to check out Sim’s side of the story. The cutie beat me to the punch and managed to blog first for once.

7 thoughts on “Four Fabulous Years

  1. First and foremost congratulation on your anniversary! Now that we have that out of the way, can i tell how jealous i am of your new washer and dryer? really. freaking. jealous. 🙂

  2. It goes by so fast, doesn’t it? Congrats. Have a fab time at Salishan…we’ve stayed there before and we LOVED it…most comfortable bed I’ve ever stayed in away from home. Plus, you can stop at the outlets in Lincoln City…the Old Navy outlet has maternity!

  3. Cool appliances. That’s gonna help you out more than you could imagine with all of the laundry coming your way! 😉
    Congrats on four years you two.
    Your favorite cat burgler. 😉

  4. Yeah! Have fun this weekend! We (I – Mitch doesn’t do laundry) LOVE our HE washer and dryer. I do all our laundry on Thursday and I’ve easily done 6 loads in just a few hours. It is so awesome! You’ll LOVE IT!

  5. You are forgiven. I know it is not manly to blog about washer/dryer purchases. Plus you still beat me to blogging, so you get bonus points for that. I love you!

  6. Well I may have gotten up first, but I forgot to mention the washer and dreyer. I am a failure as a blogger. 🙂

    Happy Aniversary Baby!

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