26 Week Belly

26 weeks. Wowsa. Hard to believe how quickly time flys. I only have two weeks left of my second trimester, and since it is suppose to be the best stage of pregnancy, and I am trying to make the very most of them. I enjoy each and every kick (even the ones to my bladder, thankyouverymuch, daughter-of-mine) and relish in my ever-expanding belly. And boy is it ever expanding! I have reached that point where people in public are gushing over the bellah and asking, “Ohh! When are you due??” I imagine I will continue to love the attention as long as the comments are along the lines of “You are so cute and pregnant” rather than “Oh my God you are so huge.” But knowing that day will come very soon, I will just enjoy the more flattering comments as long as I can.

Along with the growing bellah, comes the excited talk of all things baby. Now that it’s very obvious I am actually growing a human being, talk has drifted from whether I am feeling ok to when I am going to have my baby shower. Since this is all new to me, I just smile and say, “Well I am not really the one in charge of that, now am I?” So my boss, with the help of several ladies in my office, has started planning an office shower. It is very sweet, but just reminds me that I really need to get my butt in gear and finish up my registry! Eeee!

Alrighty. Here is what you have all been waiting for, the photographic evidence of the belly. So what do you think; is there a baby in there or what?

Try not to be dazed by the ribbing in my sweater. It adds a slightly hallucinogenic effect, don’t you think? And now for the close-up.

6 thoughts on “26 Week Belly

  1. awww 🙂 Yep, definitely a baby there. Cute belly.

    Isn’t it wild to be at the under-a-hundred-days mark? My husband keeps counting down at me, and I’m like "ACK I thought it was still X days, I lost 3 days! I AM NOT PREPARED!"

  2. I can’t believe you’re almost into your third trimester already. Crazy! I don’t know about the second being the best, I enjoyed the third as well. Ok, maybe not the end, but definitely most of it.

  3. Doesn’t it feel good to be in that really pregnant stage now, where there’s no question… I loved my last trimester each time, so live it up and treat yourself to something nice/fun. 🙂

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