The Name Game

Ever since we found out we were having a girl, everyone has been asking us about her name. Scratch that. Actually, from the moment people found out we were expecting the questions came first of when the baby was due (followed promptly with “Oh…a Christmas baby.” Can you hear their disappointment? Yeah me too, and they can all suck it.) then of whether we had any names picked out. And, of course, we do.

Simeon and I had talked about baby names long before we even started trying to get pregnant. Isn’t that something that all married couples discuss? And while occasionally we would change our minds or we would stumble across a name and add it to the list of potentials, we were pretty set on the finalists.

If we were having a boy (which we know can never be completely ruled out until I have that squirming little bundle in my arms) we were planning to name him Alexander, Zander for short. We hadn’t decided on a middle name and thankfully we don’t have to worry about that…for now.

As for a girl, we have not changed our minds in years. Her name will be Ana Diann. Ana, (AHN-ah, not Anna) which means gracious, has always been “my little girl’s name.” For no other reason than I simply love it. Diann, which means divine, was Simeon’s late mothers name. We thought it only appropriate to name our first daughter after her. Luckily, the two names not only sound good together, but with our last name as well. So in answer to your questions, our daughter’s name will be Ana Diann Bateman.

Oh but I totally reserve the right to change my mind at any point, clear up until we sign the birth certificate. So there. 😛

7 thoughts on “The Name Game

  1. What a lovely (and meaningful!) choice. If we have a girl it will be Ava…Ana and Ava…I see good friends in the making!

  2. Well, at least someone I know will have a Zander (eventually). I wanted to use that name for the longest time, but Phil said that he would never call him Zander and insists on Alex instead. I thought the poor kid would be too confused…so Anthony became the better choice. But I love the name Zander and I am totally jealous that you get to use it someday!
    I think Ana is a beautiful name. And I thought it was funny that I get the same reaction about a Christmas baby. Did you know that my MIL tried to convince me to do a VBAC so that Katie could come naturally at the beginning of next year so she wouldn’t be a Christmas baby?
    And then of course everyone has been saying…"Oh, a planned c-section…Tax deduction!" Have you been getting that too?
    Goodness gracious, you’d think We’d planned it all this way…lol!

  3. LOVE it. Beautiful ring to it. Do be prepared though for most idiotic Americans to call her Anna when they read her name. I’ve found most don’t pay attention to how spelling changes pronunciation.
    Mac Bateman on the other hand sounds to me like a drive through breakfast sandwich! 😉 You know I love you Nick.
    Can’t wait to meet this little angel!

  4. Hadn’t chosen a middle name for your boy my foot! Zander Mac Bateman! ZMB. It sounds so dynamic.

    And I don’t think that Mac should be a gender-specific name! Ana Diann Mac Bateman has a nice right to it!


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