Week 23 Update

Well, it is official. My little girl is totally kicking me. The other day Simeon and I were driving home from Petco (we like to make sure we actually have enough food for our dogs or they would eat us out of house and home) when I suddenly felt something…strange. I held my breath for a moment to, I dunno, freeze all my own movements as much as humanly possible. Then I felt it again. I looked over to Simeon and said, “I think I just felt the baby kick.” Simeon instantly went into full alert. “Really? Are you sure? What did it feel like?” And I have to say that it was nothing like I was expecting. All the baby books say things like “fluttering” or “bubbles” and this was nothing like fluttering or bubbles. The best way I could describe it is like when you are walking down stairs and you miss a step. The way your stomach kinda jumps and you feel all weird. It was a lot like that only all concentrated in one spot. But now that I know what I am looking for (feeling for?) I have noticed her kicking me a lot lately. Especially after I eat or am trying to fall asleep. I have to say it has been a wonderfully reassuring little blessing. A gentle reminder that my little girl is in fact “alive a kickin’.”

Another new pregnancy experience happened to me just last night: my first leg cramp. It woke me from a dead sleep and I bolted straight up in bed. I grabbed my leg and started rubbing it while I flexed my foot and rolled my ankle. Then just as it started to subside, it cramped up again. So I started the whole massaging/stretching process over until it went away. Then just for good measure I got up to go to the bathroom and “walk it off” as much as I could. I was still a little stiff this morning, but ok none-the-less. And from all I have read, it is only going to get worse from here on out. Fun times ahead, my friends, fun times.

The final thing happening this week is that Simeon and I finally accepted that our little girl will in fact want out of the womb some day and we should probably educate ourselves about what that is going to entail. So I signed us up for our Childbirth Preparation class at the hospital. Since Simeon travels a lot in the fall and with all the holidays near the end of the year, we were fairly limited as far as which class we could take. Thankfully I managed to get into the class we really wanted (I checked dates/times ages ago), but just barely. They typically allow 12 couples in a class and once I signed up there were only two slots left. Whew. Apparently I am not the only person who is anal about planning everything in advance. So there ya go. I am gonna learn how to birth me some babies. Heh.

Editor’s Note: Now before you all go saying how disappointing or horrible your own classes were, I just want to say Simeon and I are really excited about ours. While I have read a lot of books, websites, pamphlets, and just about anything else I can get my hands on, Simeon hasn’t. So I really think this will be the best thing to teach him all he needs to know. (Plus you never know, I may learn a thing or two in the class.)

6 thoughts on “Week 23 Update

  1. I think going to childbirth class is a rite of passage – everyone feels like they have to do it. Personally, we didn’t learn a blessed thing, but we really had fun. I bet you will, too. My husband never read a thing, either, but he manages pretty well so far.

  2. We liked out classes. The most entertaining part was the other couples. There were some interesting people in there. However, we learned a lot and it was fun. I didn’t take a Breastfeeding class. I didn’t even know they had them. However, brestfeeding has been super easy and fun. I think that class might have caused me stress which in turn makes bfing hard. Who knows! We miss you guys and hope you are doing well!
    PS are you sharing your name ideas?

  3. Hey Carrie. Concerning leg cramps – my SIL suggested Birkenstocks to allieviate the cramps during pregnancy. So, I started wearing Birks when I got pregnant with Barney, and have never stopped. Legs cramps were non-existent during my pregnancies. Good luck!

  4. Yay for wonderful baby kicks! And yes, they always get so active right after you eat, and then right as you try to settle into bed for some sleep! 😉 Get used to that one! 😉
    I’m so sorry about the leg cramps….I got those too. Not fun, just keep yourself really well hydrated….you need enough water for yourself AND a growing baby AND all that extra blood and all!
    You guys will enjoy your classes if the instructor is cool. If nothing else, you get to meet other new mommies and daddies. 🙂 Have fun!

  5. Sorry about the leg cramp. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about those!
    Yay for you feeling your little girl! Katie has been quite active lately too.
    Oh, and good for you getting the class you wanted. I took a birthing class and also a breastfeeding class, although I am sure you will have enough help in that department. The class that I should have taken too, and I am thinking about taking it this time just to refresh, is Baby Care basics. The teach you the 5 S’s (the most important of which is swaddling) and so much more. But really all the classes can’t prepare you for the reality of baby bootcamp. Phil has been in real bootcamp 3 times and he said that baby bootcamp is by far more difficult! Not to scare you or anything…lol.
    You will do just fine with whatever choices you make!

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