It’s all real now. Time to get movin’.

It has been a few days since Simeon and I found out we are having a girl and the realization has finally started to sink in. Sure, we knew we were pregnant and this kid was gonna wanna come out eventually, but I think getting to see her on the ultrasound, kicking her adorable feet and hiding behind her hands, just made it more real. In fact, this morning Sim informed me he wanted one of these. To which I replied I am workin’ on it.

But now it just seems like we really need to get our butts in gear. We have things to do! Things to buy! Registries to create! Decisions to be made! And it is just so exhausting all I want to do is crawl back into bed and take a nap. But somehow I woke up this morning and it is AUGUST. When did this happen? It was just a few days ago that we announced that we were having a baby and now here it is past the half way mark. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and I will only have a matter of days until I have a living, breathing thing to take care of. Me! All by myself! (Well, not really, but if I list out the wonderful support system I have then I just sound pathetic for being overwhelmed when I have no reason to be anyway.)

Ok. Don’t mind me. Temporary pregnancy related meltdown. Carry on with your day. I am off on vacation next week in which I plan to read several baby books, make numerous lists, and attempt to gain control of this situation. Or I may just get some much needed sleep and lay under a shade tree reading some mindless chick-lit. Either way, I am taking a vacation. But if you happen to see me and I am twitching over in the corner, maybe just bring me some ice cream and I am sure I will be ok.

3 thoughts on “It’s all real now. Time to get movin’.

  1. YES! Heather is EXACTLY right! You will get so much stuff, much of it you won’t even use! We ended up with 3, yes 3, bassinettes, numerous offers for cribs, more clothes than this kid will ever where (but we especially love the overalls you gave us!), stuffed animals, blankets, etc. People LOVE to shop for babies! Easier to say than do but don’t worry too much. But most of all, enjoy every minute!

  2. Oh, and someone to change their diapers constantly, don’t forget that. 😉 I guess that’s part of love though isn’t it, after all, we have to love them to do that 24/7. 😉
    But seriously, I agree with Jen, don’t stress, you don’t need to have everything right now. Heck, you’re gonna end up with so much crap you’ll never even look at, and probably end up passing it along to someone else at some random baby shower or something, really. Don’t stress, just find a crib or even a cheap bassinette for right now, get some diapers, prepare yourself mentally for the possibility of breastfeeding not being as easy as it looks, and enjoy the ride. You’ll love that baby like you’ve never loved anything in your life and all it will need is you…not fancy toys or matching nursery decor or adorable outfits, just you(and Sim of course). 😉

  3. I repeated this phrase over and over again while I was pregnant:
    Babies need 3 things: Food, love and a place to sleep, food, love and a place to sleep.
    The food? Well, that’s easy! You are the food! Love? That’s easy too! And a place to sleep – well, if all else fails your bed works!
    We are so excited for you two! If there is ANYTHING we can do to help let us know! Enjoy your vacation!

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