Week 20 Update

So here we are, already half way to having this kid cooked. I can’t even believe I am 20 weeks pregnant (well 20 weeks and 2 days to be precise). I have been feeling great, staying awake until normal hours, eating regular food and even exercising pretty regularly again. I just have to remember to rest more than I used to because man-oh-man do I get tired easy. I think because I have been feeling so well, I kinda forget I have a baby on board and can’t do as much as I did before being pregnant. Sleeping has been pretty tricky, since I have reached that point where I am no longer recommended to sleep on my back (it puts the full weight of your uterus on your spine, back muscles, intestines, and the inferior vena cava-the vein that transports blood from your lower body to the heart), of course that is the only position that is comfortable. I have various pillows wedged around and under me which seems to have worked thus far. Plus as soon as I lay down in bed, I get heartburn. Thank God for Tums. They now live on my nightstand. And in my desk. And my purse. But other than that, things are going great.

Anyway, tomorrow is the big day. Simeon and I have our doctors appointment and the big ultrasound to check on the anatomical development of Maybe Baby, which will include (if we are lucky) finding out if we are having a boy or girl. So I wanna know what you guys think. To help you make your decision, here is my 20 week belly shot:

So, what do you think? Boy or girl? Leave your guess in the comments so we can have it documented and tomorrow we will see who is right. Thanks for playin’!

11 thoughts on “Week 20 Update

  1. Ok, ok, I’ll stop copping out! I’ll say boy too, just to even things out a bit. That was my intial intuition anyway as I said before. So let’s hear it! What is Maybebaby?!

  2. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it’s a boy. I know they say the "heart rate" thing is an old wive’s tale, but in my mom’s day that is what doctors had to go on to predict sex, and it was accurate for all of her kids. I’m with Simeon in the boy boat!

  3. Well, I am going to have to jump on the bandwagon here. I’m thinking GIRL. Don’t know why… just a feeling. But, I also thought Ayden was a girl… so I’m not that good at this whole guessing game!

  4. Ok, this is so painfully one sided that I am going to have to change my vote. Somebody has to be right if its a boy, and let it be the man who gets to be right 🙂

  5. happy birthday! what happy birthday news you will receive! i’m going to guess girl too because you’re carrying around instead of up front. but secretly i think you should have a girl 🙂 so who knows?

  6. Okay, so with a 50/50 shot at it, I am always 100% wrong, except the last time I guessed the my SIL was having a boy (so I told her it must be a girl because I am always wrong), and it was a boy. My intuition about this one is that it’s a girl. I don’t know why…I have felt pretty strongly about that for a long time. So, if it’s a boy, then I am back on track with my wrongness…but if it’s a girl, then maybe having a baby of my own has changed my broken intuition???
    I am so excited you find out today!!! (I find out on Friday)

  7. Oh I guess I should play along too. I haven’t had any of the "dreams" that so many women claim to have which revealed the baby’s sex. And my "mother’s intuition" hasn’t kicked in yet, so for now I go back and forth. In all honesty, I have no preference. But to avoid copping out, right now my guess would be a girl.

  8. YAY! I’m so excited! And it’s so good to have you back! Hope you had a great trip. I hate guessing these things, especially because I was wrong with my OWN two kids! 😉 Do you have a guess? We want to hear your guess too. For some reason when I think of you with a baby, I see a boy, but when I see that belly shot, I think it’s a girl. So I guess my guess is baby. How’s that for copping out? 😉 You better let us know as soon as you know! Love you guys!

  9. I have heard that when the baby hangs way low, it is more likely to be a boy. I dont think your baby-bulge looks very low hanging. So I am going to guess Maybe Baby is a girl.

    I have been trying really hard not to lean one way or another. And to be honest I dont think I want to deal with teenagers of any kind 🙂 But too late for that problem now!

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