18 Week Update

Well, technically 18 weeks and 4 days, but whose counting, right?

Yesterday Simeon and I had an appointment with my OB. We started the appointment with the obligatory weighing-of-the-pregnant-woman and the peeing in a cup. Both of which I just love. (Could you hear that sarcasm? If not, you need to listen a little more closely.) However, the dreaded doctor’s office scale–the scale that so many women come to loathe–has actually come to be my friend. In fact, yesterday it informed me that I have not gained a single pound. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. I actually had to check twice because I didn’t believe it myself. But it’s true. No weight gain so far. And to be perfectly honest, I don’t know how it’s physically possible (as I can no longer fit in any of my normal clothes), but they assure me it’s true. I even asked my doctor when I should worry that I haven’t gained any weight and she actually laughed at me. Apparently I don’t have to worry about that just yet.

The peeing in a cup was fairly uneventful. As I can pee at any given moment with my new “pregnant bladder” I don’t have to worry about having to go on command. I do, however, worry about the amount I can pee. Usually it’s about a tablespoon. I swear. So that little cup can be quite intimidating when I can’t even fill it to the first line. But alas, I have always provided enough for them to run the necessary tests, so I figure I am good to go.

Then came the actual fun part: listening to the baby’s heartbeat. My doctor was having a little trouble getting the gel out of the bottle, so she shook it and of course it took that moment to loosen up and squirt not only across my tummy but also down my leg. Then I was laughing so hard my doctor had trouble finding the heartbeat under my bouncing belly. Finally she found it and I made sure to ask what the beats per minute were (I was in trouble with my sister for not asking last time) and she informed me it was in the 130s. So take from that what

Then my doctor handed Sim and I the magical little slip of paper to go and schedule our ultrasound. THE ultrasound. This was the entire reason I was looking forward to this appointment. So we walked up to the scheduling desk only to be informed that she needed to check someone’s schedule before setting my appointment and of course that person wasn’t in, so she would call me later. At this point, I couldn’t really argue, but I was still crestfallen. No ultrasound scheduled. *Sigh* So freakin’ lame.

Ah well, at least my baby has a good heartbeat. And I haven’t gained any weight. I got those things going for me, right?

**Updated: I just got off the phone with my doctor’s office (I finally had to call them myself!) and have my ultrasound appointment scheduled! My appointment is set for Monday July 31st. That’s right, on my birthday! What a happy birthday present for me!

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