Sound of Life

Simeon and I had our 14 week appointment today. I was poked, prodded and tested, but it was all worth it when I heard this:

That’s right. That is my baby’s heartbeat. If you listen really closely there in the middle you can hear my doctor say, “I think the baby has dimples,” because all you could see in that doctors office was our smiling faces, dimples aglow.

3 thoughts on “Sound of Life

  1. So sorry I had my phone turned off last night when you called. I was at the chiropracter’s w/massage afterwards. This new generation of technology is magnificent, I’m thrilled to have hear my Grandbay’s heart beat today!!
    I can just picture you and Sim’s faces and glistening tears of joy at hearing our "ladybug’s" heartbeat just racing with excitement of life 🙂 Love you!!

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