Babies! Babies galore!

Wow. I have definitely started a trend. A happy, growing, life-changing trend. Everyone is having babies right now! My friend Chelle is a few weeks behind me and now Carole just announced that she is preggers too! She is five weeks today, which puts her just seven weeks behind me. I gotta say, it’s a good club to be in.

When we started planning to have a baby, we were in the minority among our friends. Sure there were a few other people with little ones, but not many. Everyone was single, dating, or just newly married. (Not that it should change anything, it just felt like we were in a place not many other people our age were.) But now it seems like babies are springing up everywhere:

Our friends Ryan and Sarah came to dinner last night and brought along their new (to us anyway!) three-month old son, Elliot. Our other friends, Mitch and Jen, are expecting any day now. Toss Chelle and Carole into the mix and we are gonna have quite a few babies in our circle of friends.

And I gotta say, I think that is the best thing I have heard in a long time.

4 thoughts on “Babies! Babies galore!

  1. Isn’t it weird how it all happens at the same time? When I called some friends of ours to announce our pregnancy they beat me to the punch and announced their’s first. They are due a week after us and another set was due a week before and delivered a week ago. Now you guys…. I jut can’t wait to have play dates, birthday parties, summer BBQ’s with sprinklers on, etc etc. Life just keeps getting better!

  2. So I think in all actuality I started the trend…I like to think you were all just a little slow in catching on. 😉 Talk about feeling like you’re in a different place than all of your friends;I’ve known how that one goes for the last two years!! But I’m so happy you’re all going to be parents now too! Here’s my official "Welcome To The Club"! 😉 I can’t wait to actually be able to swap stories, ideas, and tips finally! Woo-hoo!

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