Let the Worrying Begin

I want to preface this post by saying that I think I have done pretty good so far about not getting all stressed out over this pregnancy. I didn’t worry when I accidentally ate a salad with feta on it. I didn’t freak out when I couldn’t keep down any vegetables even though every book I read stresses how important a well balanced diet is to a developing fetus. I didn’t even think twice about eating only Jello and Gatorade when I had that nasty round of food poisoning a couple weeks ago. But the other day I got worried.

I spotted.

I went to the bathroom and happen to notice blood on the toilet paper. Bright red blood. My hand started shaking and I proceeded to get a little light-headed. I tried to breathe deeply to keep from passing out on the toilet (because that is never any good for anyone) and told myself it was probably nothing. Blood didn’t necessarily mean a miscarriage. I would just keep an eye on things and call my doctor in the morning.

I went to the bathroom an hour later and things were significantly better. There were only minor traces of drying blood. Throughout the rest of the evening things were back to normal. But I looked into my handy bible, What to Expect When You are Expecting, and it said I should call my doctor and let her know what happened, just to make sure everything was ok.

In the morning I called my doctor’s office and spoke to a nurse who asked all sorts of questions (Yes, it was pink/red. No, there was no cramping or pain. No, it hasn’t happened since.) for her to report to the doctor and call me back with instructions. I tell you, that was the longest 10 minutes of my life. She called back and said my doctor wasn’t in the office, but she spoke to another doctor who said I just really needed to monitor the situation. Since it was most likely an isolated occurrence, it is probably nothing to worry about (yeah, tell that to a first time mother!) but they want me to take it really easy until I go in for my next appt in a few weeks. So no exercise, no sex, and no heavy lifting. Whew. So it looks like I am gonna be sitting on my butt this holiday weekend, snapping my fingers for Sim to bring me more ice cream.

7 thoughts on “Let the Worrying Begin

  1. Hey! So… I’m just a random chick who stumbled upon your blogs whilst researching all of my mega fears. I’m on my first pregnancy – 7 weeks – and I, too, had a spotting incident very much like yours and it scared the you know what out of me because it was red. Not pink, not brown… it stopped after that first trip to the bathroom but it had me shaken. Reading your blog and the replies has seriously put my mind at ease… thanks ladies. It’s good to know that it is a common occurrence.
    Best of luck to you with your pregnancy 🙂

  2. Ah yes, let the panic begin. I remember it all too well…with BOTH pregnancies! I swear I must have gone into that damn OBGYN office twice as much as I was supposed to, swearing that my water had broken, or that my BH were too strong and too close together and that I was going into premature labor. And then there was dealing with the irrational fear that because there was so much screwed up with the rest of my body (teeth, thyroid, etc) that for some reason my cervix would not know it was supposed to stay closed, and I was going to miscarry as soon as the baby got heavy enough. Not to give you yet another irrational fear to deal with or anything. 😉 I think you’re a little more sane thatn I though, so you’re lucky. And yes, I spotted too. Worse with Emery than Lindsay, which got me worried too, but everything was fine. But yes, to echo everyone else (hate checking blogs late! ;)) everything is almost certainly fine if you’re being healthy, but NEVER feel bad about calling the doctor again, or going in for yet another quick check on things, or calling your best friend with pregnancy woes. 🙂 If it sets your mind at ease, it’s worth more than you know. Love you! Try not to stress too much!

  3. Ditto what everyone else said about the spotting being normal. I never spotted, but I know that many of my friends did while they were pregnant and things turned out fine. Knowing myself, though, I’d probably be in my OB’s office asking for an ultrasound. I’m never the dr’s favorite patient!

  4. Hi dollface. Try not to stress (easier said than done, I know). I have a friend who seemingly "got her period" all nine months she was pregnant and had a happy, healthy baby. As you well know by now from your reading, the baby is burrowing deep into the endometrial lining, sloughing off some blood here and there. Also, as Lisa mentioned, your blood volume significantly increases during pregnancy.

    I am sending a prayer and a hug, but all the same, everything will be fine!

  5. scary. i know that (again) i have never been preggers but, from talking to my friends that have been, spotting is pretty common. i am glad that you remained calm and kept an eye on things. dont forget though that your dr is there for you. if you want an appt or will feel better from having one, call them and make one. xoxoxoxo to you and sim.

  6. Yup…most likely a broken capillary. I had this happen to me when I was 4.5 months pregnant with Jacob. Lemme tell you I was freaking out big time! They did an exam, they did an ultrasound. Every thing was just fine. I am sure you will be just fine. If you are really worried, then you should request from the office that you be seen right away. I am proud of you though for trying to be calm about everything. Just remember, you can call me any time. I am your preggo buddy after all!

    Take care sweetie!

  7. Carrie from you older much more baby wise friend, it is common, it is your insides stretching and accomodating and, you produce 80% more blood when you are pregos, and occasionally this means a little broken capulary, thus a little blood, all is well, maybe baby bateman is just letting you know he is "here! Here to stay"! Love you, Gramma L

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