Ben’s 3rd Birthday

My youngest nephew just turned three. THREE. Which means that my oldest niece, Maile, is a teenager. My brother pointed out that, between his five kids, he will have at least one teenager in his house for the next 20 years. How insane is that? Luckilly they are all super cute.

If you are Ben, being a three year old boy means your life is filled with two things: sports and balls. His main joy is pointing out whether something is a “baffetball,” a “foooball,” or a “bee ball.” Oh and occasionally there are even “sokka balls.” Man, is that kid easy to please.

Amy made a couple of lovely ball shaped ice cream cakes, which the kids just loved. Check out the details on each ball! Amazing.

I took Hayden with me to the party since the rest of his family were busy volunteering at their church. Let me tell you, it is futile to try and explain to a four year old that it is not the party itself which ages you, but your actually birthday. He insisted, “Ben is two. After his party, then he will be three.” I finally gave in and figured, according to his reasoning, that means I am closer to 16 than I am to 26. Grrrreat.

All in all, it was a great day. Spending time with my adorable nieces and nephews, listening to their stories, and watching the look of sheer happiness glaze across their faces that only cake and ice cream can bring.
All of the pictures I took during the party are over here. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Ben’s 3rd Birthday

  1. Amen to that Carole! 😉 Live it up! Those boys are adorable! Remember when birthdays were that fun? Now I’m like, "Oh ya, it’s my birthday tomorrow, huh?"

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